
Self-Motivation - The Need of the Time


You are standing on a podium, first time ever in your life facing a massive audience. Thousands of eyes are staring at you and you are in the dilemma, "How to speak?" Several things clutter your mind; you feel you want to deliver your message but are not able to organise words to say it aloud. You are having butterflies in the stomach. And your mind is yelling at you "You can't speak, you just can't." Your hands and legs are shivering but you are trying to hide all your emotions. Even in an air-conditioned room, you are feeling hot within and a look at the audience sends a shiver down the spine.

This is you, me and each one of us. Life is a podium where daily challenges are thrown on us-whether we like it or not-just like competitions. You may opt out of few but can't restrain all of them. Life will give you dare and you have to take it, by any means. You will have goosebumps, increasing anxiety and a fast-beating heart. You may feel "leave me alone" when directionless but the harsh fact is, it happens and it happens with each one of us.

I can't offer you solutions for your problems but I can definitely give you 5 tips that will give you the strength to face them. Believe me, it works!

1. The "I can" mantra

Thousands of books claim "If you believe I can, it will work."

And the honest part is 'I can'. Just a firm 'yes' within can push your anxiety down and calm your senses. These are the physical sensations that the body confronts on facing a challenge. Give yourself time, believe things will be fine. Don't be diffident just because things are not working out the way you wanted them to.

2. A positive vibe "Om"

Rapid thoughts book a special place in mind when you are facing anxiety. The mind tends to do negative talks ultimately breeding fears. All that you fear won't be true. It's your mind that makes you believe it. To deal with this, take a deep breath and just say "Om" (thousands of scientific research has proved Om has innumerable positive vibes) and feel that you are keeping the negative energies aside too along with it. You may use other words too but you need to have faith in them. Nothing works without hope, not even the Mother Earth.

3. Positive stories

Listening to a positive real-life story, reading stories online, and sharing your experience with friends and family will boost your confidence to face the problem. Miracles don't happen overnight, but they do happen if you have the positive energy within to believe in them. Try it, you will feel good.

4. Your magical diary

Make a habit of jotting down all those life events -whenever you feel life is tough and you passed the hard times with flying colours- in a diary. I call it "magical diary". Read through them when you feel down or negative, this will really pull you out from the quicksand.

5. Gratitude

When facing hard times, it feels impossible to express gratitude in life. Such times will make you feel "What should I be thankful for?" Well, take a seat, look back and think "Are your problems bigger than the small precious gifts you receive from life almost daily? - someone's smile, blessings, the ability to walk, talk, think, and many more".

Count on your blessings, the negative emotions within will start fading soon.

Miracles don't happen overnight, so practice these steps daily. You will notice the difference in your attitude down the line.

Life is easy and difficult. A paradox, right!
Life seems easy in happy times but when the high tides are crossing the sea limit, it is time to execute your strength to make life at ease.
5 Tips and find out the difference.

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