
Is Anyone Disadvantaged From Getting Rich?

From my own experience of interacting with poor people, the complaint and excuse is always lack of opportunity or luck. Many poor people believe that riches and wealth is only a matter of luck, and those who are rich are only lucky to be so. Let me correct this idea that opportunity to be wealthy or rich is limited, no, the opportunity to be rich in this world is unlimited and open to all who are willing to exploit them. The opportunities are so limitless that anyone, male or female, black or white, from any race or ethnic origin can rise from the poorest of the poor to become one of the richest men on the face of the earth.

A look at the universe will show you the riches of God's creation, the vastness of the earth will confirm to you that there are too many opportunities yet untapped. The universe contains about one billion galaxies of stars. Each galaxy contains more than one billion stars, the sun to which the earth revolves belongs to the galaxy of stars called the Milky Way. This Milky Way galaxy is said to contain about one hundred billion stars, and the sun of our solar system is just one of the stars. There are mega stars, far bigger than the sun. This star we call the sun is having a solar system of which nine planets including the earth revolve, the earth is so tiny in size compared to the bigness of the sun. The sun is said to be more than a million times bigger than the earth. All these are in the universe created by God. Why did God create all these? To show man the vastness of resources and opportunities.

The earth which is so small compared to the sun is so big that it contains mountains and oceans and seas, and vast land with rich contents. The plants, animals and fish on earth continues to increase and multiply. Everything is on the increase, as man's population is increasing so are animals, fish, and plants. Knowledge to exploit and venture into production of agriculture and all other sectors of human needs are daily increasing and everyday, man is doing great things on the earth. The opportunities are increasing for everyone who can tap into it to become rich. Please note this, the opportunities are not decreasing but increasing everyday, and the floor is opening up for anyone who thinks he can. I know you can, that is why you are reading this. If one area of business is saturated, there are so many other areas that is waiting for people to step in and become as rich as they can ever imagine. No man is ever disadvantaged due to lack of opportunities or luck. Wealth is not a product of luck but a product of discovery.

Anyone who is bold to see these opportunities and tap into them will be rewarded with wealth. The good news is this, there is no limit to how much money you can make, whether you are young or old, male or female, weak or strong, handsome or ugly, bodily disabled or anyhow, you can amass wealth more than you can ever imagine. If you will believe and accept this theory then go ahead to discover your wealth through exploiting the opportunities open to you

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