
From Poverty To Prosperity

No matter how poor you are today, as long as you can follow the instructions in this write up, you will certainly transform from poverty to prosperity. Poverty is the state of lack of very essential material things of life that is daily needed to live a good and comfortable life. Poverty begins in the mind and when the state of mind has been iron clad to believe and receive poverty as a reality, the result is always lack of good things of life. A poor man spends more money than he earns and so he is almost always in debt. You see, debt is the hall mark of poverty, and until you have a plan of earning more money than you spend, you are poor.

In the same vein, prosperity is the possession of abundance of materials that are needed to live a good and comfortable life. It is the ability to earn more money without stress and multiply the money earned with the passing of every day. A prosperous man earn more money than he spends, no matter how lavishly he spends, his income grows exponentially. Prosperity is the ability to produce riches and wealth, and this ability is in every man that is living on the face of the earth including you that is reading this piece. You read that correctly, every man alive have the ability on the inside of him to produce wealth if he manage to know what to do and do it. What you need to do to produce wealth is what I set out to teach you in this write up.

Every living thing is giving the ability not only to survive but to always thrive and prosper. it is inborn in every living thing to want to survive, and increase, and this trait is calling for expression. Every animal know what to do to feed, protect, and even increase and elongate their lives. If plants and animals are so built not only to survive but to thrive, what of man that God made to subdue and dominate the whole earth? Man was created to subdue problems, and anything that stands on his way, and to also dominate his world. When God made man to rule his world, he gave him the wherewithal to do it, he gave him the power to rule.

The power given to man is located in his heart, as he thinks in his heart so he is. The power is in how you think. If you think you can, you will, and if you think you can't you will never, It is as simple as that. Listen, read carefully from this point on. Have you observed that those who prosper are not more intelligent, smarter, live in another world or more beautiful than others. Some are failured in school, some had to drop out of school because of the abject poverty prevailing in their parent's lives. Yet these ones came out to become the richest, they conquered many odds to become what they were. Seeing that they were not smarter, they live in the same world as we all do, they even had to face more difficult childhood environment with no hope no help in site. They made it eventually, how did they do it?

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