
Why You Should Stop Deferring Your Happiness And Start Doing Things You Want

One of the biggest wrong assumptions that the vast majority of people on this planet make is that they aren't able to do the things they've always wanted now.

To clarify, the assumption that many of us make is that we don't yet have the means to live our dreams and that the only way to do so is to work harder.

Thus we put off doing the things we want to do and we end up working harder and harder until we feel so stressed out, so overwhelmed, so exhausted from our work life.

The truth is happiness exists in the domain of now.

It does NOT happen in the future or the past. It's in the present moment that you can turn on your happiness switch.

It's time to stop putting off your happiness and to embrace it.


Firstly, there's never a 'best time' to do the things you truly want.

One of the most common arguments people make for not travelling the world, starting their own business, pursuing their passions, nurturing a loving relationship or constructing their own home is that they don't feel it's a good or even best time to do so.

You know what?

The best time to do the thing you've always wanted was 10 years ago. The next best time is now.

Don't listen to your excuses that you are too broke, too many commitments, too much chores to do, too young, too old, too early, too late etc. to do certain things.

Take a moment and think back to all the other things you've achieved so far.

Was it ever a good time?

If you're a parent, then was it a good time to have a baby?

Was it a good time to get married?

A good time to fall in love in high school?

A good time to invest in the property market?

A good time to reconnect with your old friends?

A good time to lose weight and workout?

A good time to have dinner with your 73-year-old parents?

A good time to be carefree and play with your kids?

When we MUST do something, we make things happen whatever it takes.

There's no such thing called a good time.

You live in the domain of now so if you really want to enjoy living your life fully, you only have one option and that is to do it anyway.

Often, you will find that doing the thing you've always wanted is easier than you think.

A lot of our dreams are easier to fulfill than you may expect.

For example, if you want to travel the world, you don't really need to spend a fortune or take a year off work. There are plenty of bloggers out there showing you how to experience the globe in a cost-effective way.

How about identifying places a little nearer that you can travel to and then using budget airlines to go there for long weekends?

How about a year of visiting the capital cities you can reach on short haul?

How about doing some online freelance work where you can work and travel at the same time?

That would be a fantastic year and doesn't need to massively disrupt your life!

Want a better home?

You don't need to spend millions - just empty out your property of things you don't need or redux your kitchen.

Or you can simply rent the place, stay there for a few months, and then move on to the next one.

It all comes down to your creativity, resourcefulness and researching skills. You'd be surprised that a small tweak can make a huge difference!

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