
Why The Law Of Attraction Takes Commitment

Thoughts are an important part of the Law of Attraction (LOA). But, having one or two occasional thoughts on what you want out of life isn't going to make much of a difference. You may get lucky once in a while. However, you almost always need to think on certain things consistently in the long-term to yield the best results.

It's about committing yourself to the task. You need to learn the steps and then apply them. Although the steps are not too complicated, it requires that you believe they work. Otherwise, there's no point practicing something you don't believe in. Sometimes you need to believe in things before you're able to "see it" working in real life.

There are plenty of naysayers that will knock you down if you tell them you are practicing the LOA. They will give you all kinds of reasons why it can't work and state that there is no scientific evidence to prove it.

In just about anything you do, you are going to find people who put you down for trying so hard to improve yourself. Most of the time, it's because they have failed and wanted to excuse it away or didn't even want to admit that it's their fault when some other people prove them wrong with their actions.

If you decide to commit, how do you go about learning what is required to make the LOA work?

You will find plenty of resources in booksellers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. At first, you may believe that having as many resources as possible is a good thing. However, it could lead to more confusion and information overload. There are many authors who write about the LOA and similar self-help topics without any experiences in such area. This makes the task of finding the right information more challenging.

When you go to implement your LOA program, try to find other people who you know that have completed their own programs and succeeded.

Also, use the ratings and reviews on websites like Amazon. Be aware that although Amazon is cracking down on fake reviews, you still may find several manipulated ones. A good rule of thumb is to read through the 2-, 3-, and 4-star reviews. This smooths out the overly optimistic reviews and the haters.

Another option is to contact an author if their book seems promising. Ask them if you can speak to some of the people who tried their techniques to get a better feel for the program. Also, be aware that some authors use books to hook you into a more expensive coaching program. While it's not necessarily negative when this happens, if you buy a book that promises something, the book should deliver without any further purchase.

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