
Get Off Your Throne

Throne of King William II of the Netherlands (1838).jpg

Long before many of us have a 'castle' we have a throne of our own. It is the place where we stand on what we believe and attempt to command our world around us based on those beliefs. Many of us begin in childhood where we are labeled as 'headstrong or precocious.' And there we are, sitting on our mini throne already controlling our world. Clever, but oh so limiting!

We like to imagine being in control is a good thing. We become problem solvers and are wise beyond belief. But are we? Missed opportunities are the greatest losses when we insist that we are in control and assume the royal position of sitting on our throne of bias. Our world becomes sifted through filters we barely know exist within us. It is akin to sitting on the top of a hill with tunnel vision. We have a broader spectrum at the bottom with normal vision.

There lies within every human a much higher consciousness than the one we tap into on any given day. One day we may readjust this and turn in first to higher consciousness but most of us have not arrived there yet. When we get off our throne our higher consciousness, that part of us that sees solutions and makes better choices can occupy the throne. This requires trust. Can we trust what we cannot see? That seems like a good question until we realize that we can never really see the outcome of any of our choices. We base the expected outcome on probabilities. This serves to reinforce the fact that we will get exactly what we expect, most of the time. It also limits us to what we can see as solutions.

Doing everything we can do and then getting off the throne allows us to tap into a much higher vision where ideas and better solutions abound. We are no longer limited to what we have learned to accept as fact. We vacate the throne when we can do all that we can do and then walk away and let go, trusting that the results are going to be fine, that what is best for us and our situation is exactly what the outcome will be. This allows a much more powerful part of us to take command of the situation and deliver exactly those results.

When you firmly occupy your throne you are committed to a singular outcome; permitting worry over desired results to control your life is like inviting robbers in to take your most valuable possessions. Your time and energy are among the most valuable assets you own. Much as you may like to imagine that being in control is by far the best way, it takes far more courage to have faith in something bigger than yourself. If you can get off the throne and allow this part of yourself to occupy it, you'll likely be involved in a lot of celebrations. For this is life as it was meant to be lived.

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