
Message From the Universe: The Chameleon Effect

"Wherever you go, there I am. Appearing as the people, places, and circumstances you've most expected to see. Behaving as you most expected them to behave. Crafted as you most expected them to look. And brimming with abundance, adventure, and infinite possibilities, because I know that's exactly what you've been visualizing.


The Universe"

The Universe is like a chameleon, it changes appearance based on your thoughts and dreams. When your mind creates thoughts, it creates a key to open the doors of your subconscious to allow the Universe to read from it. After this act, it takes time to process the information and transform itself in the things or people you will interact with prior to experiencing what you thought about. When thoughts become things, based on the famous best seller book in 2006, "The Secret", the author failed to discuss in detail the in-between steps needed to get to the thing you want to have in life. So when you work on thinking about the things you want the most, your in between steps are left to the Universe take care of the HOW you will get to these things. There is no guessing or wishing here, you just need to let the path unravel in front of you. Sometimes, the path may not be clear at first, and what is coming in front of you might be disturbing in nature, or even discouraging at times, but you just need to focus on where you want to be and know you will get there, no matter what.

It is imminent that you need to take actions so you can allow the Universe to create the desired path so there isn't much turbulence towards your destination. More you do in actions, and more the Universe will facilitate the how you will get there. Do not let any confusing thoughts coming into your mind during this phase because this is where you will start experiencing hurdles. Focus on what is ahead, and work your hardest to keep yourself ahead. Negativity is not needed during the embryo stage of your thoughts development so make sure to stay away from nay-sayers. You are the pilot of this airplane and you are in control of your aircraft. The horizon is clear, the ILS is set and you are close to reducing speed so you can align the aircraft for landing. You change flaps position so you can alter the lift characteristics of a wing to reduce the speed and to increase the angle of descent for landing. Your landing gear is locked and your landing speed is at 140 knots. You feel the wheels of the back touch ground as well as the front. You reverse the engines to stop the aircraft and you arrived at your destination safely. Good piloting!

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