
What Is Fun? Is There a Magical Answer? (By Joan Silva)

Does time really fly when you're having fun?

Sure seems that way, doesn't it? The joy, peacefulness, and passion grabs us and we're in another zone -- a happy zone with no connection to the world revolving around us, or the amount of time slipping by.

It is a great place to be, isn't it? Our hearts and souls crave it. We race out the door at the end of the work day or week, ready to embrace this illusive thing we call fun.

We chase after it like a butterfly collector with his big, handy net -- swooping and twirling to capture the beautiful energy.

Swoosh here. Twirl there. Hold the net just right and the fun will be captured and confined for us to enjoy.

But, what is fun?

When asked, most adults fumble for an answer -- racking their brain for what they consider fun. There must be a magic answer, one that will make life easier, more light-hearted, and far less serious.

Whether in our minds, dreams, or reality, we ache for the joy we are meant to have. Our spirits remind us that it is our birthright.

Yet, when we make a list of what we believe would be fun, what usually pops forth is either a costly or time intensive endeavor. We sigh with discouragement when we realize we cannot afford it. We do not have the time or dollars to do it right now, or maybe ever.

And, the fun, as we defined it, is put on the back burner.

As one of my clients said to me about fun, "I'm scratching my head... last time I had fun? I think it was before I had kids!"

Could it be that we have defined fun in a way that sabotages it before we even begin?

Could it be that we douse the spark before it even ignites?

I have helped many clients redefine this for themselves, as they bemoan the lack of joy, peace, and fun in their lives. They have narrowed down their day-to-day lives to a mind-numbing sameness, anxiously awaiting their few weeks of vacation, or, the escape into the weekend.

Only to face the mound of chores, bills, errands, and piles of stuff at home.

I wish I had a magic wand to help wave away the heaviness that shuts down their fun, joy, and happiness. A magical "fun wand" in which a simple swoosh of it would help the world embrace joy once again.

To embrace delight, bliss, and satisfaction without the worry or struggle on how to afford it -- in time, energy, or money.

Here's a little known secret... you have had that "fun wand" in your backpack of tricks all along. And, all you had to do was whip it out and use it.

Abracadabra -- Poof!

And, what magically appears?

A simple shift in how you see and define fun. With a wave of the wand, the elusiveness of fun disappears. In a puff of fairy dust, your predetermined belief of what fun MUST be is gone. You are forever released from the requirement that it has to be somewhere else besides where you are right now.

Your consciousness and beliefs change, in an instant, and you now know that fun is enjoying wherever you are and whatever you are doing... no matter how stupid, mindless, or without purpose it may seem.

Fun is purely and simply pleasure at doing something you want to do, anything that puts a smile on your face or warmth in your heart.

My client said it this way, as she waved her magic wand... "Fun is that which gives you pleasure and fills you up emotionally. It has no other purpose but to be fun, it's just like play, there is nothing ulterior in playing, it's just fun"

Indeed it is AND, by the way, no money is required!

Still not able to locate fun? Not enough money or time? Maybe you need a power boost for your "fun wand?"

How about we do it together? Two wands are even better than one!

Don't go it alone... Let me sprinkle some of my fairy dust to get you started!

A one and done -- single, deep dive session may be just what you needed.

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