
The Tiny Small Decisions Leading Right Up To Destiny (By Dash Trembley)

So exactly 1 year ago, I walked right into a swimming marathon competition and it was one of the best "accidental moments" of my life.

I was deciding whether to join a yoga competition for many weeks then. I participated the year before, and I really wanted to see my progress for my second year of practice. But I wasn't attached to or practicing at any affiliate studio at that time and it would be necessary to do so and my schedule did not permit me to come home early to do that.

So that Saturday morning, just two days before the yoga competition's deadline, I felt like taking a long walk to the swimming complex near my house and go for a swim and it was a really uncanny and unusual decision because I would never deliberately plan to carry out my physical routines on a weekend. It was always between Mondays to Fridays. Period.

But I knew it was inspired action so I went ahead anyway. When I arrived at the entrance, the entire complex was sealed off. There was a charity event going on and hence the 3-hour marathon was organized to attract sponsors. I guess it was no accident that I walked right into another one.

I was given 2 choices. I either sign up and join the competition and enter the pool as a competitor, or I had to turn around and go back home and not be allowed to have my swim that day. When I say I took a long walk, I really meant it in a literal way. I have taken a whole forty-five minutes walk to reach there, so of course, the choice was pretty obvious.

I even bought new goggles the day before! I haven't swam with goggles since I was 10. I always thought it jammed my eye sockets too much that I would much rather swim with my head above water or attempt to breathe under it like a fish.

This was planned for me and pre-paved before I even realize that the manifestation was taking place. So how could I possibly turn around?

At first thought, it came across a little daunting for a fleeting moment because there was going to be a full range of categories for seniors, men, women and even children swimming in 1 pool. I think I was more resistant about the amount of germs inside the pool that day, more so than countering the fear of competing.

I've done a lot of other sports back in school and my teacher always sign me up for every event. But this, by far, was the best sports challenge I've ever had in my entire life. It made the 2 sessions of back-to-back 40 degrees hot yoga I took, look and feel like fluff and icing. Even though it comes up to a duration length of 3 hours too, yoga is static in nature, swimming on the other hand, is a whole new different layer of the cake.

So instead of a 3 minute 6 postures yoga routine, I ended up swimming for 3 hours straight and completed one hundred and two laps! I went home that day with a medal and a ten-shades darker self from not having any sunscreen on, all burnt out but.. happy and fulfilled.

I practically skipped back home.

Sometimes life closes certain doors in your face but has already prepared another one for you to enter even before you can see it with your naked eye. You just got to trust the process and know that it will be revealed to you in its own perfect timing.

So the universe brought me something else on my plate.

An answer, a bigger challenge for a larger purpose.

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