
Do You Know How Much Time You Have Left?

One day we are all going to die. I'm not trying to be negative here or a dooms-dayer but this is a simple life truth. The sad thing is that many people who think they have a lot more time may have a lot less than they know.

Do you know anyone who recently passed away and didn't see it coming? I did - several as a matter of fact, but again I don't want you to think that all I am going to do is this brief article is focus on the negative death stuff - I'm not. But I did want to get your attention on a very important topic - living life with two things in mind - your now and your eternity.

First of all - no one can answer this question cause no one knows the date and time and circumstances of their final earth moments. This has over the years, been proven to be a good thing. Think about it - if you knew exactly when your time here was finished - can you imagine how stressful life would be as you counted down the years, days and minutes?

So, in reality you really don't know how much time you have left but what you do know is that you have this moment as you are reading this article.

And if you are fortunate you have the next moment for the next thing on your to do list. And, you have your plans for this weekend or this summer or even later this year's trip to La La land. Sorry folks, you really don't have these - you just have the moment now as you read. Want me to be really negative - you don't know if you have enough time to finish this article just like I don't know if I have enough time to finish writing it.

OK Tim, I get it but what's your point? If I don't know how much time I have left, why should I waste any more valuable time reading this article so I can move on to something more important or meaningful. (Wow - that hurt! - kidding.)

My point is simply this - how are you living - like you have forever? Just now? Eternity? All three? None of them?

Now - Eternity - The present - Tomorrow - Yesterday - I could go on for pages defining or describing these simple words but in the end their meaning is very personal and unique to each of us.

Back to my point so I don't leave you totally frustrated with my writing style.

We have now - we know we do - we are present, aware, laughing, crying, thinking, listening, talking - etc.

We have yesterday - regrets, memories, stories, disappointments, mistakes, failures, achievements, successes - etc.

We don't have tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. It's that simple folks. So, let me ask you - what or how are you using what you have knowing you don't know when it will be over?

Are you spending time in - worry, stress, selfies, jealousy, disappointment, anxiety, anger, blame frustration, fear and/or regrets etc. OR are you spending it in peace, joy, growing, learning, worshiping, sharing, giving, laughing, praying and/or gratitude etc.?

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