
Bingo! (How Reality Comes Together)

Thinking about the nature of gratitude and positive attentiveness, that is the reality that counts for everything that works in life. I know that is a big statement, and this is a big article. It might even "get you across the river". I can only say a humble "keep reading". The dynamic and powerful qualities of gratitude and positive attentiveness are the most powerful techniques to be alive in existence. Indeed, though, they have one catch: We have to consistently practice them.

When we are fully on our game, it is like consistently winning a series of bingo games in a row. Winning in this sense is everything. Let me clarify what I mean by winning, though: I mean being grateful and attentive for every moment you can in life, seeing the promise within problems as genuine opportunities instead of seeing them as everything going wrong.

For example: Today, I saw everything as going wrong at first because I was a little "behind" on certain things, then I calmed down, took a few deep breaths and realized this problem is a solution in a different light of perception, and that all I have to do is do what I genuinely can. Oh, I got everything done right ultimately, but, that realization was a game changer for me and it made me realize that all of life can be good for us if we perceive it right. It can be wonderful for us. In fact, abstract creative thinking about problems, situations and solutions as a concept came to mind in this vein. So, realistically, I can say: The only real loss is within our perceptions, as is the only real win. All that matters is causes and results, not so much causes and effects and if we do not get the results we want, we can change the cause to create a new or better result. Like a game of bingo weeds out the losing numbers, so we need to weed out our bad causes in almost the same way.

So, as for what I said earlier in the last paragraph: I am all caught up now and I achieved what I wanted to achieve, but only after I saw things differently as a whole instead of seeing a fixed bad result. In short, I got creative instead of fearful. I stayed cool instead of getting hot. I played my best game.

What I mean by my best game is that real life is a game and usually a seemingly high stakes game. Our business, work and life seems like high stakes while we are doing them, right? So why not call life a seeming high stakes game in that sense. But what makes the stakes lower? Understanding how to succeed repeatedly instead of with chance or luck totally depended on or taking the time to understand a situation fully before action, during action and after action which comes down to what this article is about, the dynamic quality of gratitude and positive attentiveness. You will find that it is the most powerful idea you can live by. I can only end with: Try it and if it works, always do it.!-(How-Reality-Comes-Together)&id=9895840

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