
The Road to Achievement - How to Make Vision Boards

Vision boards are the leading tool for maintaining motivation and achieving personal goals. This new-age miracle will transform your life, enabling you to focus on taking action and fulfilling your wildest dreams. There are several steps that are necessary to make a vision board whether you are creating one that is either physical or digital. These steps are the following:

Setting Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely (SMART) Goals

Before spending time searching for images or pictures from magazines, the first step in making a vision board is to set some goals. These SMART goals should be measurable and include timelines to ensure accountability. For instance, if one is desiring to save money for a purchase such as a car, then the first step would be to set some goals towards savings and budgeting on a weekly and daily basis. The biggest question would also be: How long would one realistically need to save for the type of car in which he or she desires? Once that question has been answered, then he or she can begin formulating the rest of the SMART goal towards that specific desire.

Gathering Images or Pictures

This is the fun part! Step two requires that individuals collect their images and pictures so that they can use it later to create their vision board. It's important to monitor the time as individuals tend to spend great deals of time trying to determine which images would work. This is where individuals should revisit the goals that will guide them during creating their vision boards.

Adding Images or Pictures

The third step is where individuals will either physically cut, copy, and paste them on their physical vision board or save and upload to their digital board. Either way, they are able to use their creativity to bring their dreams to life.

Practicing Visualization on a Daily Basis

The last step is to practice visualizing having those things that they truly desire. This can be done in a prayer meditation or other form of mindfulness. It's something that should be at least once a day or several times day. Whatever strikes your fancy!

The bottom line is that a vision board is the pathway to getting exactly what your heart desires. So, what are you waiting for-Manifest Your Dreams.

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