
The Law of Attraction and Our Children - How Do We Explain the LOA to Our Kids? (By John MacLeod)

Recently I have been thinking about the Law of Attraction and children, and how learning about it could be so helpful to them in their growth. But then I wondered, how do we explain the Law of Attraction to our children? In what ways can we help them understand the way we attract things to our reality in a world where not everyone accepts this as being the truth?

Ever since I learned about the Law of Attraction, I have often thought of how my life may have taken a different path if I had known about the LOA, or better still, been taught as a child that I could create my own reality. What if I had known that my thoughts and feelings played a role in how my life was playing out? I feel very blessed for the life that I have, but what would I have done, what kind of manifesting would have been possible for me if I had learned this law right from the beginning of my life? How amazing and refreshing would it be to have a new generation of children who understand that they don't have to be at the mercy of their outside conditions, and that if they believe and more importantly, expect a certain result, it can come to fruition?!

Teaching our children about the Law of Attraction should actually be easier than teaching an adult. Kids don't have the emotional baggage that a lot of adults carry around, plus many of our limiting beliefs were formed when we were very young. Many times it is this baggage that causes many of us to have resistance either consciously or subconsciously to manifesting what we truly want in our lives. If we can explain the principles to children of how the LOA can work for them at an early age, I believe they will enjoy a much easier time harnessing its endless powers.

I know what you're thinking. How can I explain the Law of Attraction to my child? First off, we should help them understand that they can have the things they desire, but show them that there is a process to how this happens. Maybe tell them that not everyone knows about this power that they have. Helping them to understand their emotions and why they have the feelings they do is a great way to begin. They should understand that each emotion they have is the universe's way of giving them a message, and that it is OK for them to feel a certain way, be it sad, angry, happy, etc. Instead of getting them to avoid or suppress their emotional feedback, we need to help them embrace it. Once they understand that they can express their feelings and try to learn from the message they are giving them, the quicker they will be able to find a better feeling vibration. The key here is to not be judgmental of whatever they may be feeling. When they know it is OK to feel their emotion, they will be able to trust their own gut feelings to figure things out on their own going forward in life. They will understand that every feeling has a purpose.

Don't deter your children from dreaming as big as they choose!

Sometimes we as parents may feel that we don't want to give our children false hope or set them up for disappointment. However, we shouldn't let them feel limited in what they wish to create for themselves. As we know, the Law of Attraction doesn't know any limitations to what can be manifested. As long as we help them understand that there are many ways for the universe to help them realize their dreams they will develop the confidence and faith that they can create anything they desire.

Personally, I came from an environment with many limiting beliefs. Like many of their generation, my parents had a scarcity mindset from what they experienced growing up. This had likely come from their parents who had experienced tough times during the depression. I sometimes have to catch myself with how I respond to my children when it comes to this topic. It can be a challenge getting the message across to them that there really are no limits to what they can manifest if we have any attitudes that represent a contradicting or limiting point of view. This could confuse the child as to what they should truly believe. I have been trying to be very careful how I choose my words these days as my children aged 1 ½ and 4 are very impressionable and absorb everything we say like sponges.

What if the Law of Attraction was taught in the school curriculum?

I recall Bob Proctor saying one time that the Law of Attraction should be taught in the schools. What a good point, I thought. Children are taught about certain important dates in our history, but nothing about how they can shape their existence using the LOA. I believe that we are getting closer to a day where using and understanding the LOA will be common thing for the masses. Every time I think of this possibility, I have a renewed hope of a huge shift of the consciousness of the world. Once this shift occurs, you will start to see how humans are naturally supposed to live. People will want to find peaceful solutions to their problems. Wars will become a thing of the past; the fears of accepting and integrating different cultures within our borders will disappear. People will see their similarities and how deep down we are all the same, instead of judging and focusing on our differences.

When I look at the world right now, I see a great divide in attitudes when it comes to acceptance of our differences, especially in the U.S. and the U.K. It seems that many are frustrated with their situations in life and think that by going back to "the way things used to be" it will somehow fix these problems; some have a real issue with our changing world. It seems that there is a group that wants to progress and embrace change in a positive fashion, and another who wishes to repeat the mistakes of the past. This simply will not work! The universe is meant to be constantly changing and evolving, in constant flux. This time in our history may come to be known as one of the most important in the entire history of mankind. We need our youth to be influential in a more positive, inclusive manner so that the world can move forward.

I often think about Dr. Wayne Dyer's story of how his daughter was upset with him for something and how he explained to her that she was the one who manifested herself into the physical form to be here on earth, and it was her who chose him to be her father. He had mentioned how she was so surprised to hear this and that she said something to the effect of "I chose you?" I always found that to be a very telling and amusing synopsis of how all of our existence here on earth has come to be. I have told my 4 year old this same story and his response was very similar. He said, "Really? How did I do that?"

When our children understand that their very purpose of being here on earth is to be creators and that they have the power to create their own existence here on earth, what other possibilities are in store for them? I truly believe that we have much to learn from our children, especially their imagination and sense of wonder. I think back to the statement that I have often heard about "seeing the world through the eyes of a child." Maybe if more adults viewed the world this way, we wouldn't get in our own way as we so often times do. A child's natural instinct is to love; hate is something that is learned. Anything that is learned can be unlearned. If we truly want to change the future of humanity for the better, we need our children to be the driving force of that change. Teaching the next generation of children of the great power they possess in their hands using the Law of Attraction is a huge step in the right direction to accomplishing the unity that the world so desperately needs. I feel that we are on the precipice of a monumental shift of consciousness, and we all have our role to play, one positive vibration at a time.

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