
Something Missing In Your Life? (By Tim Connor)

No one in life has or gets everything they want, need or desire. Let me repeat - no one. Are you waiting for some desire or need to be fulfilled? Just had one satisfied? None of these? All of these? Boy, could I go on for pages with this stuff, but we both have better things to do so let me cut to the chase.

You can't have everything in life you want but you can have something - you can have more.

As the years pass for me I have had to let go of many dreams but many of them were replaced with new ones and I'm sure many of the new ones will one day have to be left behind - so what's the point of desires, wants, dreams, goals, wishes etc.? They give us a reason to get up every day. They inspire our effort, creativity, hope and yes even our purpose for living.

You may not have your health or the love of your life or your dream home or even your dream job but let me ask you - do you have a roof over your head? Do you have people in your life who care? Do you have a career, business or even a job? I won't belabor many of the negative statistics but give you just two - there are over 150 million orphans and homeless people in the world. Every day over 10,000 people in the world die of starvation.

So, let me ask you again - what's missing in your life? What do you need to feel whole, alive, real, passionate, worthwhile or even just alive? Better income? More friends? Better health? Bigger house? Better car? This list is endless.

Here's another question for you - if what's missing in your life was satisfied or given to you today would that be the end of your search or would you now need something else, something better, something different? Want a bet? Yep, something else (new/different/better) would now be the focus of your next need and again and again and again until when? Well, until you think you have everything you want or need (never going to happen) or when you're dead or even deserve.

Last year due to complications of hip surgery I almost died. Then within a few weeks I had to have open heart surgery because of the complications. Trust me - I'm happy just still being here and writing this article and heading towards my next speaking engagement next week.

Would I like a better car? Yep. Nicer digs? Yep. More money in the bank? Yep. More and better vacations? Yep. Heard enough? Yep. But let me ask you - what really matters to you when push comes to shove? Or are you so spoiled or "selfie oriented" that you will never be happy till you have it all, more, better or even less?

Let me close with a simple concept if you are still with me.

If something is missing in your life and you knew for a fact that you would never achieve it, get it, have it, own it or - whatever... would you pack it in and call it quits? I doubt it. What you would do? You would finally be happy with what you have, who you are, where you are, where you are going and what you are doing.

Cause you know what? Some day for you and for me - the journey of having will be over forever.

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