
Rethinking Your Reality, What Are You Projecting?

As we get into this article, please know I am coming with the intention of stretching you. Unlike a rubber band that snapped back to its normal shape, the human mind can't unlearn information once it is presented in a simple receptive form.

Our subject here is "Rethinking Reality, What are you Projecting." In this writing we are going to look at several important ideas:

  • Why we need to rethink our reality
  • What it means to project Reality
  • Why we keep Projecting things into our reality that we don't want.
  • How we can change what we project??

You Are What You Think

We are all familiar with the phrase, "we are what we eat." What that phrase does is help us to take a more in-depth look at what we put into our body. If we put bad things in, we understand only bad things can come out.

We really have to understand, that same principle plays out daily with the thoughts that we hold & the conversations we have. In the same way, that our body and health are a projection of what we eat, our reality is a projection of how we have been thinking and feel. More precisely how we think about ourselves.

We are, and are becoming what we think about ourselves. How we see ourselves shapes how we show up in the world and how the world will respond to us.

Understanding Emotional Patterns

2+2=4 every time, that's the mathematical pattern. Every result is a result of a particular pattern of behavior. Behaviors are outward manifestations of our thoughts. You have a thought, that thought causes you to produce a behavior based on that thought. The same thought will always and consistently manifest itself in the same behavior. The same behavior will almost, more than likely, produce the same type of results.

Mentality Projecting Your Realty

So when we talk about what we are Projecting, we are really asking you -- what are your thoughts and your behaviors producing that keeps giving you the same results.

When we understand this principle we will understand that what we are seeing happen around us can be changed. It can change when we change our response to it. Same responses cannot produce anything other than the same results. So in every sense of the word, Life itself, is neutral. What do I mean by Life is neutral? What's happening In life has no meaning in and of itself. Life only takes on meaning our perception of it. Life only has the meaning we give it, based on our response and particular emotions we choose to associate with our experience in the moment.

Life is Neutral:

Three people watch the same football game. One likes football but doesn't like either team. One person likes the team that is winning by 30 points. The last person is a fan of the losing team. Three people, watching the same game. One doesn't really care. One is loving it. One thinks it's the worst game ever. The game itself is neutral. It only has the meaning that each individual gives it.

The same is true with situations and events we deal with on a daily basis. They only have the emotional meaning that we project onto it.

Emotions & Thoughts

Every emotion is the product of a similar thought. We think a thought concerning what we see happening. That thought produces a chemical release of endorphins in the brain, which produces what we call an emotion. The stronger the emotions, the more thought we give. The more thought, the more emotions.

Law Of Attraction

At this point, we have to address why certain things keep showing up in your reality that we don't like. So we have to look at what is called the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction says like attracts like. As you experience a situation that you don't want to happen and you allow yourself to interpret the event with strong emotion, attention, and energy, that combination acts as a magnet to keep attracting similar situations into your life. You're literally attracting those events into your reality. Things that have happened will keep happening until we can change our responses.

  • The person that worries constantly about money issues will have more problems with money than the person that refuses to buy into the idea of lack, scarcity & poverty.
  • The person that worries about sickness will experience more sickness than the person focused on health.


How do we make the mental shift so we can improve what we are projecting into our reality?

First, You have to grasp the idea about life being neutral. We give it meaning by the emotions and feelings we project on to each individual situation.

Secondly, you need to get crystal clear on what you want in your life. Everything you see is a manifestation of your thinking up until now. So if you are not seeing what you want in your life, you have to believe and know that you have the power to change that. You can change the reality you are now experiencing.

Thirdly, understand that the power to change what you are experiencing is in the power of your choices. Daily choose to focus your attention and energy on those things that are pointing in the direction of the life you desire. The best way to do that is meditation, affirmative prayers and affirmations.

Never think that you have to settle for a life of misery! You can change your reality by changing your thoughts.,-What-Are-You-Projecting?&id=9364164

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