
Message From the Universe: When Setbacks Are Just Temporary

"Since you're in a position to help so many, please remind them, when necessary, that setbacks are only ever devastating when one thinks they'll last forever.

They never do.

The Universe"

There is always an end to everything, including both the good and the bad times. When you travel to tropical destinations for vacation, that will also end, even though it can be very hard to come back to frigid cold temperatures. The same goes for hard times. The storm can only last a little while but at the end, when you are stronger and can get back on your feet after that storm, you can be proud of your accomplishments.

Many let life take control of who they are, and when the going gets tough, they break and let themselves venture into a path of self-loathing which ends to self-destruction (alcohol, drugs, crime etc..). It doesn't need to be this way. We all go through hard times in life, and even the most successful people can and will suffer from that same predicament. No one is waived from uncertainties in life. We all have to walk that same path sometimes in our lives. There is no escaping it, just like taxes or death. Since we all know we will have to go through this crap eventually, sooner or later in our life, there are really no surprises. So come on, what are you waiting for? There are so many opportunities out there waiting for you. Get up! Get moving! Get doing.

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