
Message From the Universe: Planning for Success (By Daniel A Amzallag)

"I always knew I could count on you to uncover the truth, when others just played "follow the leader." I wasn't surprised at all to find you standing by your principles when the going got tough. And there was never any doubt in my mind that when faced with a fork in the road, you'd take the path less travelled.

I just had no idea you'd have such expensive taste.

You so rock, 
The Universe"

It is said that when people follow the masses, they really follow asses. They follow blindly just because others are following behind the one in the front. They assume that if everyone does it, I should to. No one thinks for themselves nowadays, as it is about just following someone who think is smart and give them the power they need to control the mass. Why not think for yourself? No one is to blame as this how the system is set up. The government creates entities, like the Commander-in-Chief and allocates enough power to control the people of that country. It is not because the system is set up this way that you need to abide to it. No one, not event the President, is aloud to control your thoughts. You are free to think the way you want. Just follow what is right for you and do not do anything you don't want because others advise you to do so.

We all need to wake up and realize what is going on out there. So much is available on the internet and I agree, it is a bit scary. Knowledge is power, not money and it is up to us to wise up and understand what is going on out there and take control of what we deem extremely important: OUR FREEDOM. I know that the truth can be scary and this is why the majority of the citizens refuse to read about it. Whoever is gutsy enough to express the truth to others will be seen as someone trying to create chaos and will be ignored or laughed at. The system has brainwashed everyone and unless the citizen of our country rise up soon, our generation will suffer more from a similar predicament we live in at this moment. We can't allow that to happen and it is our duties and rights to know what is really going on and how things are run in our country.

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