
How Thinking and Believing Will Cause Doing and Receiving

How do you end up with the COSMOS delivering something to you that you focused on? It's pretty easy and doesn't need much work. Read on to find out.

The COSMOS aligns its vibrational energy with what you think about constantly. Then you start to believe in your thoughts and in yourself. The COSMOS picks up those energies and materializes them for you within weeks and they become real and receivable. In most cases you need an extra criterion in the process: ACTION. You need to act upon your beliefs and thoughts. That way COSMOS is able to deliver you the most desired element easily.

So let's sort out the whole process in a lucid manner:

1) Thoughts: You have made up your mind that you want something. You have a burning desire for it. You become what you think about. But you also need the next steps.

2) Beliefs: Before your thoughts can materialize, you need to believe in yourself. Never doubt the process or question about why your desire is getting delayed in manifesting. Stay calm after letting the Universe know what it is you would like to have.

3) Action: The next step would be to act upon your beliefs. Talk with a mentor or a friend or take the help of a book or tutorial. Therefore, take the necessary action(s).

4) Receiving: This is the best part. You have executed the first three steps and become detached from what you really wanted. The most wanted element will take form in reality eventually. Give it time depending on how small or big it is. You have all the privileges to let the COSMOS hand it over to you.

This is how merely thinking and deciding what you want badly enough ends up with the COSMOS delivering it to you. The whole process is a four-step plan and if you execute it right, it never fails you. So the next time you want something badly enough, try out the 4-steps and you will be the winner of the very element you longed for with a burning desire.

Following the 4-step process may not work the first time round but with practice, you get better and better at it. Once you have mastered it, the process becomes simply a piece of cake for you. Others would like to know your secrets. Share with them. Because you have nothing to lose in passing on the knowledge and it works even better when you pass it over and share.

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