
Finding Happiness Is Easy (By Debra Burhite)

This article is about finding happiness. Searching for happiness is a hard thing to do nowadays. So much going on in this world of the negative nature it is hard to find the contentment and peace of mind we all crave. Every person in this world wants it but sometime it is so elusive it is hard to find and keep.

I was one of those people craving it but not finding it since I lived most of my life in abusive relationships. Living in negativity it is hard to find happiness until you let that negative person, place or thing out of your life for good. I had an abusive adopted mom and was married to an abusive husband. I was following their path of destruction. This was not the type of abuse that most people think not physical abuse but was emotional and mental abuse which drags you down until you feel like nothing. Physical abuse can be seen and felt quickly the emotional or mental abuse can drag on for years bringing you down farther and farther everyday into the abyss.

I had no self-esteem anymore. I did not feel worthy of even living the life I wanted. They made me feel like I did not matter and my life was of a slave to their every whim. I lived the life they wanted which brought me down even further into the darkness. I had no choice I was stuck and miserable. Everyday was a chore just to get out of bed to even survive. I started to develop illnesses and this whole ordeal was affecting my health. I knew I had to do something or I would die within their grasp. It took me years but finally got out of both relationships. I divorced myself from both relationships. I had it out verbally with them both at first and went complete no contact with them from then on.

I prayed for love, happiness and peace everyday. My life after leaving them was lonely and I felt so isolated from family but later I felt good about me and what I had done. I just knew it was the right thing for me plus my health improved too. I realized I did not need either one of them. I did not need anyone that treated me badly and did not respect my feelings or wants. I finally got my freedom to be who I wanted and do what I wanted too. It was so freeing. I felt alive again.

My challenge now was to find the happiness I have craved for so many years. I made some mistakes like thinking I needed a man to love me and to make me happy. I dated and all I would find was losers. When I gave up I realized being single was not all that bad, kinda love it actually. I found that happiness was within you not outside of you. I found the love for myself. I even found the peace and contentment that I never had before. It took me a few years to find the love, happiness and peace that I had prayed for. I had a plan to find these things and was determined to see them through.

First off I stopped dating and searching to find a man to satisfy me. A man can not make me happy I had to find that by myself first before I could find happiness with someone else.

Second I started taking care of me and my health. Doing the right things to get me healthy. Taking time out just for me. I had lots of "me" time. This was finding love for myself.

Third I got rid of all the negative people and surrounded myself with the positive ones. I had to move again to new location to find new friends and they became my new family. This was getting rid of the negative in my life.

Fourth I smiled a lot even tho I did not want to. I did it even on my painful days I smiled and tried to make my days better. This was very hard to do for me.

Fifth I started doing activities for my building something I wanted to do. I do not get paid money but the payment I do get is kindness and appreciation for what I do. I do feel like I am giving back to others by doing this for them. This is finding the vocation you love and doing it.

Sixth I meditated and prayed a lot. This helped me to find peace of mind.

Seventh I was grateful for what I had not what I did not have. This made me content and appreciated what I did have. After doing all seven of these for years I have finally found the love for myself, the peace of mind and the happiness I have craved so much. Happiness is possible If I can find it so can you.

Here are 47 pointers on finding happiness:
1. Rise early and Shine embrace the morning
2. Less is more, be mindful of stress
3. Pace yourself, do what you can but do not overdo
4. Be patient, patience is a virtue
5. Reach out to your inner being and be compassionate
6. Search for your true passion and stick to it
7. Exercise regularly
8. Healthy food mean happy life
9. Relax and meditate
10. Be organized in your own way
11. Be positive, do not fall let yourself fall into a pit of desperation
12. Make your finances simpler
13. Simpler life is a happier one
14. Consider what you have and accept it
15. See the picture of the perfect life
16. Have long-term goals in your mind
17. Think about your mission in this life
18 Consider what big task you have in this week or for the day
19. Stay focused
20. The journey is half the fun, remember to enjoy it
21.Follow your own personal morning and evening routine
22. Have deep, meaningful and profound relationships
23. Pay your debts
24.Remember to enjoy the little pleasure in your life
25. Have an empty inbox and a clean desk
26. Have an emergency fund
27. Write in a journal on a daily basis
28. Rely on the people around you
29. Extend your knowledge by reading, read to others
30. Take care of what kind of information you internalize
31. Do not forget to relax
32. Your life is happening now not yesterday not tomorrow
33. Build yourself a fort of equanimity
34. Take time to bond with your family and love ones
35. Be your own hero
36. Stop comparing yourself to others
37. Keep in mind benefits are important not difficulties
38. Don't forget about romance
39. Pick your battle and learn how to lose
40. Enter the flow
41. Frugality is the answer
42. Small and Slow but efficient
43. Find a way to deal with detractors
44. Spend your time outdoors
45. Stop and enjoy the little things
46. Get lazy sometimes
47. Offer your help to those in need

Try to do all of these points and I am sure you will find the love, happiness and peace you crave for.

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