
Awakening Hidden Quantum Cells

Who hasn't heard the words, 'you're only using ten percent of your brain' and wondered why such an enormous percentage of what many believe is the most important part of our physical body lies dormant, seemingly useless. The cells in the remaining ninety percent and other parts of your body have been patiently waiting for you to understand why they could not perform because understanding is essential to begin the process of reawakening! Reawakening you say? Yes, because once you knew; they are quantum cells that perform in quantum energy.

Much has been written about planet Earth's impending ascension into a new energy, the 4th dimension. Our planet is still about 85 years from a full entry into this energy field, but we have entered the outer bands and just like those of a hurricane, we can feel the effects of the energy. Things are changing! Those who have noticed the change are likely to be the ones who have been intentionally 'tuned in,' the seekers of a higher state of consciousness. This profound search had that seemed so difficult has become less and less so in the past 5 years. The doors to greater awareness no longer requires a long and arduous push to gain entry. It is a partially open door that we approach now. The magnetic field in these outer bands is not nearly so dense producing energy with less gravitational push/pull.

Consciousness is a state of awareness. When we are sleeping our body continues to function even though we are not aware of it; not so when we are awake. This simple procedure of waking up is natural and has been experienced by all even though most people are unaware that this act is a different state of consciousness. It is a reflection of how natural and easy the process of changing our state of awareness really is. Quantum energy exists in a much higher frequency field. It is this that the quantum cells in our body respond to. They begin to 'wake up' recognizing the change even though we may be unaware of it. In the outer bands we are capable of using about thirty percent of our brain. Look at all you have been able to accomplish in life utilizing ten percent and imagine what can happen when you triple that! It's time to wake up.

What can you practically do as you begin the process of waking up? Greater self-healing is on the horizon. You will become aware of unhealthy changes in your body and intuitively know what can help you mend. You will experience a greater understanding of who is around you and what their intentions really are as you are able to 'tune in' to their energy field. This allows you to make far better choices about the people you surround yourself with and what kind of effect other people will have on your life.

Pay attention to things that used to mildly interest you as you suddenly seem to grasp how they work and develop a deeper fascination with them. You may feel guided to a new field of work or new hobbies as the memory bank of the Akashi begins to surface. You remember what you used to know. It is a kinder gentler energy we are approaching. The turmoil in our streets will dissipate as we move further into the new energy. It is not supported in the higher frequency.

While scientists may seek a method to activate these cells, it is consciousness that allows them to function. Consciousness is simply intent; there must be an awareness of and intent to move into the new energy field and the door will be open to do so.

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