
The Concept of Letting Go

So what does the concept of "letting go" mean and why can it be so hard to do. The reality is most things take time and we can not make ourselves feel a certain or different way even if we wish that we could. I believe there are some things that happen in our life that are sometimes deeper than we realize and that once we can figure out what that is or why it is that we are holding onto something we can not "let it go" completely.

I feel nothing but gratitude at this moment because I had an epiphany the other day and was able to understand what I was doing and why? I have always known on some level but emotionally I still felt the need to hold on even though it was negative and not good for me. The problem was I couldn't make myself change these feelings until enough time had passed and I healed from what happened. I am not sure if that made any sense and I hope that it does for you. What is interesting is that I have been talking about it, praying about it, writing about it and living my life the best I could. It took me watching two different movies to realize what I was doing and that I needed to "let it go". It was an extremely powerful and empowering experience. Once I made the decision and talked about it with someone, the very next day I felt better and no longer was carrying those negative feelings around. I know this may sound kind of crazy but for those that work a program or are spiritually connected I am sure get this concept.

For several months all I have been saying is that I am not myself that this experience changed me some for the positive but some for the negative which is what I was holding onto. I am back to feeling like myself. I don't feel so stuck anymore. I feel amazing. I feel nothing but relief and joy. It felt like such a huge burden had been lifted. And although I have been working on letting it go, I knew that one day everything would fall into place and I would be free!

The key I believe is that I was always open to the process and I trusted and believed that eventually I would feel better and truly be able to "let it go". It is funny not really but one of my closest friend would say to me just let it go but I kept saying it wasn't that easy and if I could I would but I just couldn't and it would happen when it was supposed to happen.

Letting go is a gift. As long as we want to be well and we want to be free of what is holding us back we will be able to be as happy as we want to be and for me it is about being balanced! So I am more happy again. Despite this experience I was still happy with things in my life and how things were going I was just little "off" per say. As I said earlier, Nothing but Gratitude. Letting go allows so much more good to fall into my life. So whatever you do: Do not give up on feeling better and letting go because eventually your time will come! Trust me!

Part of letting go has to do with the concept of patience. Patience is defined as the state of endurance under difficult circumstances. It is the level of endurance we can take before a mindset of negativity sets. It is a person's ability to wait for something without overreacting and getting too upset about it. Patience is truly a virtue, which basically means if you possess it you are doing very well for yourself. Patience requires an understanding of your situation and that you know how to handle it in a way that is responsible, caring, sympathetic and respectful of yourself and of others' feelings. It is important that you learn to take your time and to listen for you can teach a valuable lesson to yourself and to others about the importance of patience. We live in such an impatient time, where everyone wants their needs met now that it can be hard to not react to others impatience.

Having patience means you can remain calm, even when you've been waiting forever or dealing with something painstakingly slow or trying to teach someone how to do something and they just don't get it. It involves acceptance and tolerance, and is usually easier to have when there's something in it for you at the end. Patience is about trusting the process. Sometimes when we are struggling with wanting a specific outcome to a situation we tend to want to control that situation by fixing it. Meaning if someone is upset with you and you don't know why. Do your best to be patient with them to come to you in their time not your time. By contacting them more than once you are inevitably trying to control it and not being patient and not trusting the process. This by no means is easy for anyone, not even me. We all have things in our life that require patience. The trick is to know when to reach out more than once and when to let it go and give the person or situation the space that it needs.

The more patience and acceptance that you have with the things in your life that you need to "let go of" the more you will be able to let go and move forward with your life.

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