
Stop Telling Yourself That You Can't Do It And Figure Out The Way It Can Be Done

Sometimes, we talk ourselves out of something way before it even has a chance to happen.

Something that could be amazing if you just follow your heart and allow it to take place. Trust in your abilities and if you feel you aren't quite ready, get the skills you need. You will be surprised with what you are capable of is you just give yourself the chance.

If you have an urge to do something and you feel that it is important, follow your heart. Let it guide you to your calling. There is a voice that is constantly telling you what you need to do to live a fulfilling life. Don't settle for just scraping by. You were not brought into this world to just get by. Counting down the days until you are 6 feet under.

Do what makes you happy!

Doing what makes you happy will guarantee that you put your heart and soul into what you do. It is worth more if you spend one million hours doing what makes your soul shine, than spending one million dollars that you've earned in a job that you hate.

Think about it. If you are doing work that you loathe, your energy is negative. You think you need these things, but the truth is, you don't. We can all live in a smaller house. Smaller living quarters means that you are all closer together. Anyone can live without a car. There is such a thing as public transport. You can live with much less than you "think" you need to have.

Stop and think why you feel you need these things.

Do you feel that if you don't have a fancy car or a huge house, that you aren't good enough? The question is, good enough for who? Who are you trying to impress? When you accept who you are, exactly as you are right now at this very moment, you will no longer need to win anyone's approval.

Thinking that you need these things is what is stopping you from having a life that is truly rich. A life that fills your heart with joy and your entire being with love. These things are a distraction and one that comes at a great cost if you don't wake up to the reality and see them for what they are.

How many times have you bought something and it seems like the joy you feel is so fleeting? It doesn't last very long, does it? Why do you think that is? Then you need to go to the next thing. It never ends and it is designed that way.

You really need to think about this, because this is your life!

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