
Overcoming Feelings Of Inadequacy And Low Self-Esteem

Once we develop our core healing and self-forgiveness frame of mind, we end up being addicted to it because it serves us in two main ways:

1). It provides us a feeling of control over other people's habits and sensations.

We hang on to the belief that our insufficiency is triggering others' behavior because we don't wish to accept others' free will to feel and to act however they want. We don't want to accept our helplessness over others' sensations and behavior.

2). It safeguards us from other feelings that we hesitate to feel, and gives us a sense of control over our own sensations.

As bad as feeling inadequate in life can make one feel, many people prefer it to the sensations that shame might be concealing-- solitude, grief, sadness, grief, or vulnerability over others.

Just as anger may be a cover-up for these challenging sensations, so is this low self-worth.

Overcoming feelings of inadequacy is totally various than solitude or grief or helplessness over others:

This low self-esteem is a sensation that we bring on by our own wrong-minded, ego-based false beliefs.

The Course in Miracles asks us to contemplate this question: "Do I want the problem or do I want the answer?"

The isolation, grief, sadness, sadness, or helplessness over others are existential sensations - sensations that are a natural outcome of life.

The Course in Miracles tells us, "Decide for the answer and you will have it, for you will see it as it is, and it is yours already."

We feel grief over losing somebody we like.

We feel alone in life when we wish to get in touch with someone or have fun with somebody and there is nobody around or no one available to love, experience a connection or play with.

Many individuals would rather feel a dreadful sensation that they are causing, instead of feel the genuine agonizing feelings of life.

If you are finding it challenging to begin overcoming feelings of inadequacy and move beyond it by self-forgiveness and healing, it is because you are addicted to the sensation of control that your low self-worth ego-based beliefs provide you.

You may think you have control over others' feelings and behavior and that they have control over your very own genuine sensations.

As long as having the control is essential to you, you will not let go of your false core low self-esteem beliefs.

You will begin overcoming feelings of inadequacy when you learn two important things:

1). You will need to accept that others' habits and sensations have nothing to do with you.

Your low self-worth will change when you accept that others have free choice to be closed or open, loving or unloving - that you are NOT the reason for their feelings and behavior.

Feeling inadequate in life will heal when you no longer take others' habits personally - you will have no need to manage it.

You will release your wrong-minded beliefs about yourself that cause the feeling inadequate in life when you release your need to manage others and rather move into empathy for others.

2). You need to feel your genuine feelings rather than cover them up with anger or low self-worth.

When you discover how to support yourself by being present with caring and empathy for your own existential sensations, you will no longer have a reason to secure against these feelings with blame or shame.

Try to see that control and lacking confidence in life are elaborately looped.

When you give up your need to manage, and rather select forgiveness towards yourself and others, you will find your lack of self-confidence fading away.

Many individuals on a healing path have discovered it exceptionally challenging to recover from feeling inadequate in life.

When you comprehend the function of healing and self-forgiveness, you will be able to move beyond low self-worth and feeling inadequate in life.

No self-confidence is the feeling that there is something basically wrong with you.

Whereas the sensation of regret is about DOING something wrong, feeling inadequate in life is about BEING wrong-minded at the core.

The sensation of feeling inadequate in life comes from the belief that, "I am basically flawed, insufficient, wrong, bad, unimportant, undeserving, or not good enough."

At some early point in our lives, most of us absorbed this wrong-minded belief that causes the sensation of low self-esteem.

As an outcome of not feeling seen, liked, valued, and understood, we developed the belief that we were not being enjoyed because there was something not exactly right with us.

While some children were informed outright that they were not all right-- that they were dumb, bad, or undeserving-- other kids concluded that there was something missing with them by the way they were being dealt with.

To healing and self-forgiveness!

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