
Message From the Universe: Look at the Bright Side

"Sometimes, when you're feeling your lowest, the real you is summoned.

And you understand, maybe for the first time ever, how grand you are, because you discover that vulnerable doesn't mean powerless, scared doesn't mean lacking in beauty, and uncertainty doesn't mean that you're lost.

These realizations alone will set you on a journey that will take you far beyond what you used to think of as extraordinary.

There is always a bright side,
The Universe"

I will not sugar coat for you in any shape or form. You will feel depressed, angry, stressed, anxious, frustrated, wanting to give up every single day of your life and not wanting to deal with this hell ever again. You will feel vulnerable, scared and uncertain as to where you stand in your career and your life. Your journey will have plenty of ups and downs, you will get diverted many times and depending on the type of people you interact with every day, you will come across some nay-sayers where they may try to discourage you from accomplishing your dreams because of the jealousy towards you. You will feel at times to give up, to ask yourself: "what's the point of all that?". Let me tell you what is the point to all that. First, what is YOUR alternative? Working 9 to 5pm? Will that make you happier? If it does, by all means, go for it. However, always remember that you started entrepreneurship because you REFUSED to just be the 9 to 5pm corporate worker to live your life with anticipation of retiring from your hell job. Don't tell me this is what you expect out of life right? Second, well, you just know what you want for you to go out there and get it.

I can tell you with certainty that you will fail, and probably many times prior to succeeding. You will fail more than you can ever expect, and that is because the Universe want to make sure that you have what it takes to make it big on Earth. You want to be perceived as the one who is self made millionaire, that NO money were given to you and worked diligently to create your empire. This desire resides from within and no one can take this away from you. You are born with that strong mind that NO one can break, and that you will do whatever it takes to make things happen. You will fight for what you believe, and you will not let life break you down, nor keep you there permanently. You will stand back up and hit back, hit harder than you ever hit before, and you will get punched many times again but you will take these punches and smile back at life and ask: "That's all you got?". Life will eventually get tired to punch and will let you do what you deserve, which is to take whatever the HELL you want, and you will experience a rush of excitement that couldn't be compared to ANYTHING in life. Get ready my friend, you time has come! It's your turn now, prepare yourself for one exciting ride.

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