
If You Think You Are Superior To Others Or Inferior To Others, Either Way You Have A Problem (By Hollie Belle)

Growing up we were never told that we were beautiful because my parents believed that this would create vanity. So, when I had my first crush and this boy wasn't interested, I just assumed that it was because I was ugly. I look at my 4-year-old daughter now and I feel that it would break my heart to ever know that she thinks she is ugly because she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

Her smile and when her eyes light up with excitement. That high-pitched giggle and just her little voice. Beautiful! I believe that vanity has to do with believing that you are better than others because of how you look. You feel that you have an advantage over others because of your exterior and are therefore superior.

If you think you are superior or you are inferior, either way, you have a problem.

Here are the facts. If you think you are inferior, you believe you are not as good as everybody else. In essence, you aren't good enough and you just don't measure up. You aren't as smart as others, as good-looking as others, or you just can't do what other people do. This is what you have decided in your head. So you exclude yourself from certain groups because you don't fit in there.

Now here is where I'm going to do your head in. When people feel superior to others, they are saying they are too good to be in your presence. They are too smart to talk to you, too good-looking to be seen with the likes of you, too good to waste time being in your presence. They are excluding themselves from you. They don't belong in your group.

Each extreme is an exclusive club!

Both groups are full of judgment. When you are at peace with who you are, you understand that you are part of all and that it is all a part of you. We are all things. Happy and sad. Patience and intolerance. Beautiful and ugly. We all have the capacity to love or hate. What may seem like the most beautiful thing to one person, may leave another person scratching their head wondering if they are even looking at the same thing. Has that ever happened to you?

Judgment is what divides. When you decide that something is ugly or you decide that it is wrong. You know, to some people, having their dogs inside the house is wrong. To others having their dogs outside is wrong. Some people allow their dogs on the couch, others set the boundaries there. This is just an example of how we go about every day deciding that this is right and this is wrong.

But who made it so?,-Either-Way-You-Have-A-Problem&id=9811410

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