
Decide Now


When I was at primary school one thing I was not able to do was to make decisions and not alter them. That haunted me for a couple of years I think for 4 or so years. I do not know what actually happened to change that because I was a kid back then. From that moment onwards I was able to make decisions and stick to that. My life changed for the better, friends began to come to me seeking for answers. That is the "power of decision."

Every time when you are confronted with a challenge or difficulty, the best way to overcome that challenge is to make a decision and stick to it. You should know inside you what you want and what you have to do, do not wait for tomorrow. The unfortunate thing is tomorrow might never come. It can be an opportunity that has arisen, be able to make a decision and be slow to reverse that decision. Yes, do not quickly reverse your decision.

Sometimes you have to go against the odds and be your own, stop listening to rumours and gossips that can make you decide basing on opinions. I tell you in that process of listening to opinions in a newspaper or from friends and family, you will make yourself a person of no value.Your value comes when you are able to make bold decisions in a matter of death or life situations. Your decision has to be a courageous one. You will lose your confidence when you grow a habit of listening to other people's opinions before making a decision.

If it was not for Henry Ford's decision to come up with a V8 engine, we would not be enjoying 8 cylinder vehicles now, if it was not for Thomas Edison who decided to create a bulb we would not be having bulbs now. It is not a matter of looking for someone to make a decision, the opposite of decision is procrastination. Procrastination in itself is the thief of time.

Do not be a procrastinator in all you do, the moment you procrastinate you already have lost time. Time lost is never gained. So be firm and bold to make decisions, it is your DECISION that can change your current situation. It is your decision that can change the situation of your nation or community.

"The choices we make lead up to actual experiences. It is one thing to decide to climb a mountain. It is quite another to be on top of it."~ Herbert A. Simon

"Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday."~ Napoleon Hill

One more thing, when you make your decision, the best that you can do is to shut your mouth and pursue your goals. Open your eyes and ears, but your mouth should not open unless it is something pertaining to your goal. Why shut your mouth? Because deeds and not words are what counts most.

Even to decide to be a decision maker you have to do it now, if you had lagged behind or you had been procrastinating throw away procrastination. Your decision means a lot to your family, friends, community, country and even the world. "What you decide now can make a huge impact to the world."

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