
A Guide That Will Make You Take Action And Free You Of The Learning/Preparation Trap Fast

The trap that most people fall into, is you think you need to be totally prepared before you can start something. It is not your fault if you are unaware of this way of thinking.

But you will not become good or confident until you practice what you have learned with Deliberate Learning.

This guide will help to free you from that vicious cycle by explaining the process. A deliberate learning mindset and practice lead to competence and confidence.

Knowledge is power. But when not used, it is powerless.

The trap looks like this. 
Preparation = Procrastination (a way of delaying fear of failure/success).

And that is the dilemma, not having the confidence to start with.

Which is why you feel you need to learn more. Thinking you will become confident.

It is good to have an objective, a reason for wanting to learn. That you can then use or practice.

With practice comes competence which leads to confidence in what you are doing and can do.

Have you watched a baby trying to walk? More times than not, at first, they fall. But they are determined to walk. And are not put off or defeated by the number of times they fall. And after a few steps, Oh, how they celebrate. Confidence! And then take more steps.

This is what the Deliberate Learning process looks like. 
Mindset > Deliberate Learning > Adapting Knowledge > Practice > Competence > Confidence.

Reading a book or attending a class is learning. Practicing what you have learned is when you get experience.

So the real lesson comes with actually applying it and learning from that, how better to go about it. Count on a few falls, they didn't stop the baby.

It's when you put into practice what you have learned that you get the real lesson. And then you have the opportunity to adjust and go further. Take more steps.

So, learning is good. Then practicing what you have learned. Is better. Then learning some more, and practicing. Brings the competence and confidence into the recipe during the learning. Which gives you the confidence earlier.

Adopt a determined Mindset. 
Deliberate Learning to understand. 
Adapt the knowledge for its purpose. 
Practice as you are learning it. 
As you are practicing you are becoming Competent. 
As you are practicing and becoming competent your Confidence grows.

The real lesson, learning, only comes with actually putting into practice what you have learned. By way of experiencing for yourself, first hand.

Reading, learning just for the sake of learning, is intellectual knowledge.

It is on the surface understanding. And, intellectual knowledge can be dangerous.

We can easily sprout that we know something. Yes, we know it. But only at the surface level, on face value. The real value comes with understanding.

Understanding, wisdom, is gained through experience by trial and error.

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