
What Is Luck and How Are Hunches Linked to It?

The question is what is luck? Is there such a thing or is it something that results from our response to a hunch? In other words, are we led by some internal power to do something at a specific time that will result in what we might call 'good fortune'? What determines who sits in a seat in a vehicle that crashes and one is killed and the other is not? Or why buy a lottery ticket on the spur of the moment that ultimately wins a prize?

Is it 'luck' as driven by a mystical supernatural force or it simply that it was going to happen and the one experiencing it just happened by chance to be there or to buy the ticket? Over centuries of trying to resolve this issue man has got no closer than that many will risk all to have a chance at being the next one to chance on the right situation at that time.

To answer the questions is to go deeper into the reason why we are here and what happens to each of us during our lives. After my reincarnation and with a strong link to the Spirit of the Universe it is my opinion that everyone is part of a plan. We are like puppets in a massive collection of players and every one of us serves a purpose. That means that what happens to us is part of the overall scene.

We might ask some tough questions in response to our probe into this topic. For instance why would I remember reincarnation when religions don't and others don't concur with it? Some feel they have been around before, others get flashbacks of past lives, still others have no feeling about it whatsoever and they don't believe in life-after-death anyway.

What about a hunch? Is that linked to luck and why are some things we suddenly do without thought can turn us into a genius or a millionaire? Why do some get a hunch to go shoot people in a public place? Or to stay away from something that will result in many being killed.

My link to the Spirit has shown me that it is the very thing we are talking about. It controls our moods, actions, desires, and where we are at any given time. The idea of luck removes the power from God to something that few can relate to but all know exists. If there is a plan in place to bring the world to a point of conclusion than it stands to reason that the players are given the ideas on which they act to bring it about.

We are in an extremely volatile world where anything can happen and bombs are exploding on a daily basis. People are fleeing conflicts and the old systems are failing. This is something written about many centuries past so it is nothing to do with luck or hunches but in my mind is the Spirit of the Universe.

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