
The POINTS Of Knowing Yourself

How can anyone, become the best, he might, possibly be, until/ unless, he does, all he can, to know himself better, in an honest, introspective, objective manner? Whether this refers to one's career, profession, aspirations, etc, or simply, an attempt at self - improvement, it must begin, with identifying, enhancing, and focusing, on, the POINTS of truly, knowing, one's self. With this in mind, this article will briefly attempt to examine, consider, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, some of what this means and represents, and why.

1. Personal strengths (versus weaknesses): While it's important to set goals, priorities, and aspirations, you can't become the best, you can be, until/ unless, you become capable of being objectively introspective, and identifying, both, your personal strengths, as well as areas of weakness. This must be used effectively, so you begin to properly, effectively use your strengths, to best advantage, while admitting, and addressing your weaknesses, by proceeding with the inner fortitude, to focus on becoming better!

2. Organized; options; opportunities; offer: Never proceed in a haphazard manner, but commit, to proceeding in an organized, focused way! There are generally multiple options and alternatives, and one must select, the best course of action, for him, to take, which might best align, with his strengths and abilities. Be prepared to take advantage of the opportunities, which present themselves, by knowing how to recognize them, and having the quality judgment, to make the best choice. Always ask yourself, what you have to offer!

3. Integrity; intentions; interests: Differentiate yourself from the masses, by maintaining your commitment to proceeding, with absolute integrity, especially when some shortcut, might seem convenient! Unless you do so, how will you ever, truly respect yourself? Know your interests, and why, and be certain of your intentions, consistently.

4. Nurturing; needs; notice: How will you align your personal needs, with the best way, to proceed? Will you maintaining a nurturing attitude/ behavior, which will motivate and inspire others, and attract them, to you, in an inspiring way? Will you notice and observe, all the necessary idiosyncracies?

5. Timely: Take personal responsibility, and avoid the easiest tendency and path, which is procrastination! When you commit to proceeding in a well - considered, timely manner, you enhance your potential, etc!

6. Substance versus fluff: How will you be, an individual, of substance, and meaningful, as opposed, to the easier path, which is, focused on fluff, and empty platitudes, etc?

Use the POINTS of better knowing yourself, and you'll move forward, towards self - improvement! Will you actually address these, or proceed, with the comfortable, routine, same - old, same - old, approaches, and mindset?

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