
The Number 1 Golden Rule To Get Yourself Highly Motivated

A great writer once said, "The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night." For this reason, I resolved to work through the challenge of being consistently motivated despite the potential setbacks and hardships I was going to endure down the road

Having goals in my life has been a matter of principle. While having and setting goals is one thing, implementing the goals and seeing to their fruition has been another. I observed that I needed to work myself out if success was going to be within reach. Besides a few other things I needed to do, I had to apply a golden rule to remain highly motivated all the time.

Always being highly motivated is central to success. Although it is not an easy undertaking, it is not impossible either, especially with the application of some very basic tenets.

At one point, for example, I went on a very stringent diet, it was all fun and exciting during the first few weeks but as the enthusiasm started to fade and the toll of the rigid diet started to set in, I knew I needed to keep myself motivated otherwise I was going to lose my entire focus and determination,of course, without applying the Golden Rule I ended up losing my motivation and going off course my long-term goal of losing weight.

The Golden rule: What it is and how it presents itself?

I need to mention first that, before I knew this principle, the more I encountered tough times and obstacles, the more my motivation levels dwindled, thus impeding more and more my ability to fulfill and accomplish goals.

Realizing this has been the foundation for me to appreciate the importance of getting highly motivated all the time, notwithstanding the fact that scientific research has consistently proved that setting out challenging but manageable goals is significant to staying focused and achieving goals. This principle often called the "Goldilocks Rule", is the Golden rule to constantly and consistently being highly motivated. The rule states that, that "our ability to stay motivated will falter when pursuing goals that are outside of an optimal range of difficulty."

To highlight this rule, let's further consider the example I gave on starting a diet. I was able to see myself loose considerable weight and achieve my set initial target in a short period. However, as the progress slowed down to reach a constant, I noticed how my motivation took a downward trend. In like manner, colleagues whose goals were to lose substantial amounts of weight often lost the drive to achieve this goal, they struggled to stay motivated just from the beginning because the task ahead seemed mammoth and outwardly impossible. The good news here is that this golden Goldilocks rule can be used in the pursuit of any goal, moreover, morals and values still remain in check while applying this golden principle.

Using this Goldilocks principle and learn how to get highly motivated

The Golden rule helped me set out a fine range of progressive and achievable goals and cut away from impossible tasks. This draws from the psychology that "humans are at their most driven phase when they assume tasks that are at the very edge of their ability, as they seek a balance between challenging themselves and making progress along their specific course."

If I am accomplishing manageable milestones that are able to make me joyful, I always have the drive for the next one. Additionally, this presents me a chance to make progressive strides and experience the development process. From the time I started deliberately measuring and celebrating each step to success and personal improvement regularly, I have been able to achieve a positive psychological function that has enabled me to boldly face and defy challenges, steadily push forward my performance and achieve my goals within time.

For me, appreciating this rule was the first and just about the most fundamental part of motivating myself and fruitfully pursuing my goals, otherwise I repetitively found myself either failing in intellectual motivation or just stand astounded by the work before me.

Sticking to this golden rule has also helped me to apply other motivational keys, the keys can equally be considered as golden because they always go in tandem with Goldilocks rule. One such key is the ability to measure and celebrate progress and individual development against an ideal.

There is ONE rule to be highly motivated, if mastered, you will be able to easily accomplish all your goals!

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