
Message From the Universe: Look at the Big Picture

"Ever notice how when someone dreams of happiness, abundance, health, romance, or friendship, they never have to wonder if it's in their best interest?

But when someone dreams of a specific house, employer, love interest, deadline, dollar amount, or diet fad, they often end up contradicting themselves?

Keep your "end results" general. Everything else is just a how.

To the big picture,
The Universe"

In many of my posts, I claim to be very specific with the Universe when it comes to what you want in life. You need to imagine how you want your life to be, as well as the type of job you always dreamed off, or the type of man or woman you want in life. By being specific with these requests, you may start wondering if you do deserve that wealth or find that significant other. He or she may be out of your league, depending on what you wish for. Sometimes and in some cases, you may just leave it to the Universe to handle the "how" it will happen, even if your own dreams may scare you at times because of how big they may be. Don't fret it. It is important to just plant the seeds in your mind and let it be. Besides watering your plants on a daily basis with positive thoughts, there is really nothing else you can do. Time is on your side, so let things happen the way they are suppose to. You are in control of how you think and the Universe will render the rest. Just keep faith that the "hows" are not really your responsibility.

Once you start accepting this, you will see things changing quickly. You will look at things happening around you differently. The Universe will listen to your thoughts, even though they happen 6 to 8 months ago. Perpetual positive thoughts are more likely to happen then of those that are just random. It's easier to remember the truth than a lie right? So keep on being positive, keep on focusing on the good things happening even when you are feeling down. Everything can get much worst when facing with challenges. Whatever comes your way should be dealt the best way you can and hope for the best. The rest is totally out of your control. However, if you have trust in yourself and in the Universe that things will change in a positive way, you will see start understanding the mechanics of how the world works and how you can control the outcome of everything that could happen in your life. Do not be afraid to be assertive and ask for what you want. Being specific is good, but unless you have a gadget like the movie of the 80's "Weird Science" and can create a woman or man based on your exact requirements out of a computer, then you are out of luck but trust me that the Universe can provide you with most of all your wishes.

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