
Inspiring Others - Demonstrating a High Level of Motivation

Most of us feel bogged down in life with stresses, pressures and challenges. Have you ever thought of rising above these factors and standing out? Why not set a bright example for others? In fact, how can you demonstrate a high level of motivation in order to inspire others? Read on for getting insights.

There are several solid ways you can stay motivated and also inspire others. Have a look at the following scenarios.

· Your wife and child are both sick at home. You are extremely worried. But the moment you reach your office, you start to carry out your duties with such enthusiasm that you forget your family for the time being. At lunch break, you share your personal story and everyone is startled that in spite of that, you are able to work so spiritedly. One hour before the office closes, you give a round-up of your work and drop in a line that you have to leave the office early because of your personal problem. Nobody minds including your boss. You have worked hard and demonstrated it all. So you are well off; you are good to return home and look after your family.

· Your boss criticizes you badly in front of others. He points out the flaws in your work project and rebukes. There is pin drop silence all around. You just say humbly, "I will work it out. " Over the span of the next few days, instead of being gloomy, you take your boss's words as constructive criticism and work in all angles, heeding your boss's requirements all along. By the end of the week, you give a finishing touch to your work project and come up with a smart presentation in front of others including your boss. There is a big round of claps and applause. You not only made it but also were an inspiration to everyone.

· One of your colleagues is stuck with her work project. She doesn't know how to begin. You give her a boost with a few keywords to work on and Google over the web. Your colleague grabs them and gets the head start immediately. In fact, you have inspired her to begin her project avidly.

· Your colleague has been criticized badly by your boss in front of others. He is feeling sulky and embarrassed. You uplift his confidence by pointing to him what options he has to rectify his mistakes. You present to him a few scenarios and tools as well to work with. Your colleague regains his composure and starts to work zealously on what you have just demonstrated.

These are a few ways that you can be a source of inspiration for others, standing out from the rest, setting yourself as a brilliant example for others.

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