
Do Not Get Tired, Just Get Ready For Action

One inch past tired is more action and then you get what you want ultimately. But when you let the "tiredness" take over, failure happens. Recently, when I was faced with the fact of being "over taxed" in life, I realized a few things which I will list here:

  • Nothing is worth killing yourself over, and I do mean nothing.
  • Reality must always be faced honestly or you will die over it ultimately, directly or indirectly.
  • Ultimately, as long as there is breath in my (or your) lungs, failure is not permanent.
  • We are all about as happy and care free as we make up our minds to be.

Before I go on, I actually got part of that last thought bullet from Abraham Lincoln, and the care free part I added from a feeling of "so what, I will do my thing my way and I am accountable to myself only ultimately.

Sure, we can let life drain us until we are dead, but protecting ourselves from the drain is ultimately our responsibility and nobody else is responsible. So, I will go on with the list bullets.

  • Nobody can make us feel bad or genuinely destroy us without a fight, without our permission.
  • Sanity begins with real conscious thinking about why we are doing what we are doing, not so much how we are doing it.
  • The best trails in life are the ones we blaze ourselves and follow without let up fully.

Think about what I am writing and saying here deeply, the best responsibility we have is the responsibility we have for our own actions and results, and the more genuinely conscious we are, the more powerful over ourselves we are. That is the whole point of this article, responsibility for our results. In fact, consider this article an exorcism of sorts: The exorcism of getting the expectations of others off our backs and living up to our own genuine expectations. After all, nobody else lives the life of another person however hard they try. We all live our own lives, and work with our own consciousness always. So, do not feel guilty for not living up or down to expectations of others. Love yourself, that is where it is at anyway for good, bad, ugly, pretty or otherwise.

After all, there is nobody we can please or disappoint worse or better than ourselves. If we think we can control another, we really are fooling our own minds. So, control yourself, master yourself, start there and all else will be added. For in my reality, the genuine kingdom of heaven inside us comes down to a good attitude that works for our total good and impresses nobody but ourselves. Indeed, the sweet music of praise from others does not matter if you cannot respect yourself first. You must have good inside before you have it outside. That is the bottom line of this article.,-Just-Get-Ready-For-Action&id=9548932

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