
Choose Your Life

Life offers everyone a different and unique path. What we experience can be the same but still very different. Every life has a purpose. Distinguishing the purpose of the person defines why you were given life. No one or nothing is here by random chance or consequence. Even a blade of grass is significant. Life is a gift of priceless value nothing received will be of greater or equal value. To live a life of fulfillment is the greatest blessing of any human being. When you find out what makes you come alive you start to recognize your gifts. The premise is to recognize your gift and share it with the world. When given a gift expect to use it for good or you will be held accountable. We were created to honor the gift giver of life. Mathew 25:29 states, " For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them." To those that much is given much is expected. Consequences and circumstances will be what they are its how we deal with them that will determine which roads we journey down.

When issues or problems arise we tend to feel entitled because we believe it should have never happened to us. Holding on to your past just makes it more difficult. Some will tell you it's too hard to let go of the past but it's actually more difficult holding onto to it. If you have never had any issues in life then this article isn't for you. But if you have experienced heartache, difficulties, burdens and consequences beyond your control this is for you. Your time is coming. You just need to live through it in order to go through it. Once you live through it and go through it close the door on it. Once you feel the fire you just need to walk through the fire, step through the door and you are on your way. Fire not only burns but it cleanses too. Those doors we closed are the lessons needed to fuel us forward. There will always be a price to pay. The race isn't for the swift or the strong but to the one who endures. Forget your yesterdays and grow from your mistakes. Move forward and don't look back.

We are bigger than we sometimes see ourselves. We just need to look harder and with more focus. A price was paid and we were given grace. It carries us forward. Everyday of our lives is grace given. Ephesians 5:8 "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord." We were given the opportunity to be more significant than the blade of grass mentioned earlier. To awaken to a new beginning everyday of our lives is more than a blessing. It should not be wasted living by what someone else thinks or does. Let your voice count for the great things that life has to offer. Life is what you make of it. So make the best of it. Without it there is nothing else.

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