
Are You Tired of Fighting?

You can stop fighting now.

I've been noticing more and more in the media the word "fight" being used everywhere.

Are you and I being programmed to fight?

Politicians say, "I will fight for you" or a cause that you might care about.

Fund raising commercials say, "Fight xxxx" - fill in your favorite illness.

Drug companies say, "Fight xxxx with yyyy" - fill in your favorite drug and symptom.

Sports teams say, "Fight, fight fight, fight, fight."

When our government wants to create fear, it urges us to "fight" and labels everything a "war."

We've had "wars" on poverty, on diseases, on drugs, on terrorism, and most sports are a substitute for going to war.

What have these wars created?

Freedom from the desire to numb yourself with drugs or other addictive behaviors?

Abundance for everyone?

Healthy people?

A good sense of sportsmanship?

The ability to peacefully resolve conflicts?

A world of peace?

I've been asking myself lately, "Why do the media fill our heads with such aggressive language? Why does everything have to be a fight?"

"IMAGINE," said John Lennon. And so I, too, invite you to imagine a world without having to "fight" for everything.

"IMAGINE a world where everyone is respectful of everyone else and no longer blames others for what they don't like about themselves or for what they don't like about their own lives.
"IMAGINE a world where politicians call for cooperation and no longer use the word "fight" to promote themselves. Politicians could say, "If you elect me, I'll do my best to bring peaceful cooperation and problem solving to all of the issues facing us. I promise to work with all others elected to solve problems, to get things done, and I will urge my colleagues to do the same."
"IMAGINE a world where people are so content and joyful that they don't need to drug themselves to bury their emotional pain and dissatisfaction.
I don't know about you, but I'm tired. I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of struggling. I want things to flow easily and gently in my life.

I am now choosing to stop the internal struggles and internal battles. You can make the same choice, or not. It's entirely up to you.

There are ways to stop the fighting, and the first step is to make the choice.

Once you've made the choice to stop the internal battle, you will be shown methods and techniques to help you succeed.

Once you've made the choice to find peaceful, cooperative solutions in your daily living, they will appear in your life.

You will be guided to them.
You will be open to them.
You will notice them when they show up.
IMAGINE them coming to you. See them easily and quickly arriving... the perfect solutions to whatever challenges you are facing.

IMAGINE a world in which each human chooses from his or her own heart to work together to create joyful, creative, loving solutions. This is a powerful step to creating a world where everyone has food, shelter, and opportunities for personal creativity and spiritual well-being. This is the world we were meant to live in.

CONSIDER THE HUMAN BODY as a model for peaceful cooperation.

Our physical bodies are a cooperative effort of all our cells and organs.

  • What would it be like if your heart said, "I won't pump any blood today for the kidneys because they insulted me."
  • What if your colon said, "I'm tired of cleaning up this garbage without any appreciation. I'm going to fight to hold onto it."
  • What if your bone marrow said, "I'm fed up with all the bickering, so I'm not going to produce any blood cells today."

The body works, stays healthy, and supports our experience on the Earth because all parts cooperate with each other. If they started bickering and arguing and disrespecting each other, our bodies would sicken and die.

In the same way, humanity is a single being, a single consciousness. When we connect at that level, cooperation comes more easily and we can accomplish great things.
But today what we seem to be doing is fighting with each other. As a result of all that fighting, the oceans are dying and the food is all poisoned to some degree (yes, even the organic stuff has chem trail poisons landing on it).

In addition, hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of humans are homeless, starving, and see no way out of their situation. This is true inside the United States, although the official media won't tell you about it. Do you know about the citizens of this country living under interstate overpasses? They are not counted among the unemployed. They are not counted at all.

So it's time to stop fighting and start appreciating and cooperating with each other. We have to begin caring about each other.


  1. Am I ready to stop fighting?
  2. What am I fighting inside myself? Is there a battle raging there?
  3. What am I fighting outside myself? Am I still trying to win an argument with someone from yesterday? Last week? Ten years ago?
  4. How can I make peace within myself? What parts of myself need me to love them, forgive them, hold them gently and help them feel accepted and safe.
  5. How can I make peace with others outside myself? Can I forgive them for past grievances? Even when someone is already out of body, forgiveness can heal you and still give them an opportunity to change.

You don't have to make all the changes all at once.
All you need do is begin.

Stop fighting yourself. Become more loving towards yourself. Be compassionate with yourself.

You can't change anyone but yourself. As you change yourself, you interact differently with others.

The energy exchange between you and another will be different.

And then the other person will receive an opportunity to interact with you differently.
Don't wait for someone else to begin. 
Begin with you. 
Stop fighting now.

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