
Why An Attitude Of Gratitude Can Free Yourself

If there is one place where we should be completely free, then it is in our own mind.

We might have limitations in terms of what our bodies are capable of and what we're allowed to do - but our minds should be free to roam wherever we want, whenever we want.

Unfortunately, this is not the reality most of us live in. Very often, our thoughts are dictated by our circumstances and those circumstances are largely out of our control.

This is why we usually find ourselves feeling dissatisfied and constantly wanting to push forward and look at the jackpot in the future, rather than taking time to enjoy the process and smelling the roses along the journey.

And without being too political or philosophical, our capitalist lifestyles, the Hollywood portrayed false sense of reality, and the consumerism culture sometimes reinforce this materialistic nature that can push us further down the rabbit hole.

The simple question to get a reality check is to ask yourself, "Are you happy right now?"

Most of us are constantly in a position of slight dissatisfaction.

We feel as though there's 'one more thing' that could make our lives better and help us to be happier.

Maybe we said we just needed another one million dollar to feel secure.

Maybe we said we just needed to build a bigger better house to be satisfied.

Maybe we said we just needed a better higher-paid job to start loving to work.

Of course, we do want certain things and there's nothing wrong with enjoying material goods for pleasure.

But often, we have been conditioned (or even brainwashed) by the manipulated images from the media or advertising industry that told us what we "NEED" to have in order to be happy.

More money. More games. More clothes. More drinks. More sex. More friends. More holidays. More this and more that.

So most of us work harder to keep up the buying pace, which eventually stressed the crap out of us to accomplish the next thing in order to keep the economical machine spinning.

Let's do a quick exercise together.

Now, take a think about a game you find yourself (or your kids) wanting.

Aren't there Xbox, PlayStation or computer games on your shelf right now that you haven't played yet?

Aren't there free games you could download or free activities you can engage in and have just as much fun with?

Isn't it just marketing messages that are pushing you towards that next game and that next expense?

Likewise, ask yourself if having a billion more would really make you happier.

You can travel very cheaply right now - the problem is probably more with leaving work. More responsibility isn't going to help that!

So how do you make a change and start to be freer and happier right now?

The answer is that you change your focus.

Instead of fixating on what you don't have and on what you want, instead start to fixate on what you already have and what you're grateful for.

This is called a 'gratitude attitude' and it's the fastest route to having a satisfying and happy life.

People often aren't happy not because they want another thing or they lack certain things, it's just because they FORGOT they already have so many things.

Just make a reminder every night to jot down the top 3-5 things you can be grateful for in your journal.

When you start to collecting these little things of the day, you will open yourself up to see an entire new world of abundance.

Try that tonight, and make it a habit for the rest of your life.

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