
Reset the Negativity

Beginning each day through being will bring insights to your life you never thought possible. Everyone around you will begin to take on a new light. That light is that of a being. The substance of the being, the skin, muscle and body aren't quite what you could describe this person as. There is another level, another piece that each human being holds. They are an amazing being with thoughts, worlds and universes of their own.

Use that knowledge. Think about it for the moment. Do all the other parts of life revolve around what has happened in the past? Will what you are doing now effect the future? How big of an impact do you want to have on our species? Beginning to understand what you want and what you ask yourself will affect your future. Be now so that you may begin living in that direction. Would you like to begin to live the life of your dreams? You must begin now.

Let go of the negativity. Open yourself up to a new standard in life. Use your conscious form to live your dreams. We each will have our own meaning so it would be useless to state my dreams here as an example. That has already come to pass and I have begun to just live now. To really let go of all negativity that means that there is only room left for positivity. To live this means to do that which brings the most joy in life. I love writing so I write. You love (fill in the blank). Live in that direction.

Becoming a parent, father, husband, son, brother and cousin means we are a lot of things. If this is just family attach a title or thought to every part of your life and your list will be expanded dramatically. We must just be each of those things as we are each of those title. You state the, "I am," and you can be anything you set your mind to. We are exactly what we want to be. Caution because this means that you can accept bad or negative into your life and build it into a habit. May as well build good habits and live the best that you can. This is an awesome life for each of our experiences.

You can become your perfect life. It is already within you to accept. That is a beautiful part of this great human experience we get to observe. You must not worry about being whole because you already are. Right now, is the best moment to direct your life precisely and with all the passionate love you can muster. Now go out and be great.

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