
Move Beyond The Ordinary - 3 Reasons You Should Be Extraordinary (You Definitely Can)

Do you feel that you are stuck in the ordinary? Do you have a feeling that something is calling you to live differently? Life is calling you to be the more than you currently are. You are being drawn to be the highest expression of yourself. There is no better time to become extraordinary than now.

There are two forces in nature; one is growing and expanding, while the other is contracting and dying. Look at nature around you. You can see these two forces at play everywhere. The natural tendency of your life is to grow and expand. To do this, you must move beyond the ordinary as the ordinary keeps you stuck. And being stuck is stagnation, and this is part of the contracting and dying force. You still have a life to live. You still have so much to contribute to the world, but you can't do this if you are stuck in the ordinary.

So why become extraordinary?

Here are three reasons why you'll want to move into an extraordinary life.

Your life flows naturally. From the day of your birth, you have been called to be extraordinary. Did you know that you are a unique individual? No one has ever been born that is exactly like you, and no one will ever be born just like you either. Just by your birth, you are extraordinary. By drawing your first breath, you came to be anything but ordinary.

It is easier than you think. Did you know it is hard being ordinary? Being ordinary take more energy because you must hold yourself back. You must observe what others are and then match what society tells you-you must be. This takes a lot of energy on your part. To conform, to fit in, to be like everyone else, is very tiring on your part. Being extraordinary is only asking you to be yourself. Being yourself is easy, it doesn't take any energy on your part.

You will be more fulfilled - When you are yourself, when you are extraordinary, you are who you are. This does not trap you into being anything other than being yourself. Because of this, you do not have a feeling of being trapped. This allows you to be more fulfilled, because you are expressing yourself to the fullest. By being extraordinary, you are living true to yourself, and this fulfills you as nothing else can.

So now what?

Understand this; an extraordinary life doesn't mean you have to be the next Mother Teresa or the next Mohamed Ali. It does not mean that you need to become the biggest, the fastest, the riches, etc. in the world, so don't worry. What it does mean is that you must live a life that makes you say "WOW, I can't believe I get to live this wonderful life!"

An extraordinary life means that you are fully expressed as a unique person, whatever that means to you. Be the best parent you can be, or the best business person, or the best artist. You get to decide.

All you need do is find what you are passionate about and pursue it. What one thing can you do today that will move you in the direction of living an extraordinary life? Commit to taking that action and do it regularly, and you'll be amazed how quickly and easily you'll start living an extraordinary life. It isn't that difficult.

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