
Message From the Universe: Changing Your Thoughts, Changing the World!

"It's not possible to significantly change your life, for better or for worse, by manipulating the material world. Not by working harder, not by studying longer, not by schmoozing, not by sweating, not by fasting, not by the hair of your chinny chin chin.

But great change is inescapable when you first begin manipulating the world of your thoughts.

Thinking of you, 
The Universe"

If you don't start changing from within, don't expect to be successful to change from without. How can you expect others to change when you haven't really invested in yourself and start tweaking things a little. There is less risk for yourself when expecting others to change and you stay the same. It's even easier to give advice to others about their behavior and never suffer the consequences from your advice. If you want to see changes, start looking at yourself. Learn to know what kind of person you are from within, and if you don't like what you see or feel, make the appropriate changes. Many might say: "I love myself, there is nothing wrong with me, I am perfect". Yeah, well, look again and look deeper. I am sure you can find something that you desperately want to change but just delayed it or procrastinated on these needed changes. Life will always keep us busy and because of this, we tend to put the desire to change on the back-burner. We feel we can tackle this problem at a later time and we then forget about it. This can be problematic. Wherever you go, your desire to change will always linger in your mind and because of a negative attribute about yourself that you feel requires immediate attention, you will need to address it, pronto. If you keep ignoring it, this attribute can create more problems in the long run. You need to tackle it quickly and efficiently. If you get hurt and bleed from your leg, will you just go and say: "Screw that, I don't have time to bleed". Will you ignore the wound? You will need to address it quickly or you won't be walking to far. The same for the changes you need to make from within.

I am certain that we are all embarking in a journey filled with unknowns, risks, challenges, disappointments, sadness but you can also find joy, happiness, success, abundance and so much more. The choice is yours as to what will you do to achieve greatness. If there is something that bothers you about yourself, go ahead and fix it. Nobody else will ever take this responsibility, nor will ever want it. You are the one responsible for yourself. Either you succeed or fail in life, it will all depend on you as to what will be your next step to change things around. If you want to keep failing, do the same wrong things over and over again and expect different results. But as we all know, that is the definition of insanity, and we are not insane, well, at least most of us. So what is your next step in this journey? The choice will always remain yours. Make it a good one.,-Changing-the-World!&id=9477131

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