
Message From the Universe: Be Happy With What You Already Have!

"Often, the sooner you can be happy without "it," the sooner you will be happy with "it."

The Universe"

Do the best with what you have already. Never wait for something to happen so you can take action. Learn to be happy regardless of what you possess. We all want to be able to afford beachfront property, or exotic cars, or whatever else. We focus too much on the people who created themselves a fortune from scratch and admire them for what they've accomplished. However, we also tend to compare our weaknesses with their strengths, which is a battle you will lose all the time. You will put yourself down, feeling depressed and creating a sense of desperation to wanting to achieve the level of success they did. Stop it right there! Just STOP!. You want to start looking at yourself and focus on what you are good at, I am sure you can find something, somewhere. See how you can create yourself a success when you focus on these strengths. There is no reason why you should compare yourself to anyone, unless if they have a skill you want to learn and are passionate about. We were all dealt cards in life and we have to take advantage of what was given to us. We all have talents that hasn't been explored yet, so you need to figure out what they are. Be willing to think outside the box and do the things you wouldn't normally do. Take actions from the thoughts you created and never fear anything. Many fear their own shadow in life and always hesitant to take charge. This is your life, and no one else. You need to work on yourself and find the things you can excel at to create your own future.

Happiness starts from within, and no matter how much money you have or DON'T have, it doesn't really matter. Material assets can allow you to do more, obviously, but shouldn't be the primary reason why you should feel happy or stay happy. Yes, money does help alleviate some stresses in life, I totally agree. But no matter how much you make, if you are unhappy deep down in the core of your soul, no amount in your bank account will ever change how you really feel. Changing the way you think is a good start and will enable you to look and perceive things differently. Do not worry about how much others are making, just focus on what you can do better to make yourself happier. Your pursuit to happiness should be based on other important things than what money can buy, so as long as you don't know what makes you happy, you will never correct the original problem that resides within your soul. Open up your subconscious mind and allow only the positive nature of your life to take over and eliminate the negative thinking. Take action when thinking about creating a better life for yourself, because you are the ONLY one who can make that happen. No one else really cares as they are all dealing with their own challenges.

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