
Go Big, Go Bold

At most we yearn for the finer things in life such as a majestic promotion at work, an exquisite car, an eccentric project but the question is what you are doing towards attaining your desires. We love to dream yet we all shy away from acting towards that dream. It requires courage to go an extra mile.

We are at most contended with taking baby steps. In fact let me put it this way, the word "Risk" on its own has a different meaning to various individuals. For some a risk is more of an opportunity to progress in life whilst for some when they hear that word it instantly triggers the flight or fight mode. We do not want to cross the border line because risks are associated with failure, double loss and simply put instinctive fear.

We are afraid of taking a risk because we know not how much more we are going to lose after having already lost so much in life but here is another question: How will we ever know what is on the other side when we never allowed ourselves to cross that line? We want to stay within a constricted zone which is limited but what fruits has it brought forth so far. Some limitations that we think we have are merely of our own doing. No one will plough the field for you if you do not set out to seek for one to delegate, no one will harvest if not appointed to. 
The point l am trying to drive home is, do something, take the initiative towards seeing that dream come to life.

Go big, go bold, give it your best shot and if it fails, it fails. 
After all who said you will always succeed at everything you try out. We all need those knockout blows which teach us to toughen up. I mean only then can we know that next time l need to attack from the left angle, because we took the initiative. Do not be near sighted but rather be foresighted. Success comes to those who are bold, who are willing to take up anything no matter the outcome. After all we can only measure success at times by how many times you fall and get up until you never have to fall.

Don't be afraid to jump from the peak of the mountain, it is a huge risk but fortune does favor the bold. Those that are willing to go out there and give it their all regardless of how it turns out. Dream big but most of all be bold enough to take risks that see your dream come to life.

A lot of obstacles may come our way but what we need is Courage, confidence, perseverance and belief in one's own capabilities. See yourself where you want to be and then start the climb. Even if you are bold, never lose your best accomplice which is patience. A good resolve and patience will comfort you when you reach a rough patch but boldness does not give up. It rather replaces fear with courage, facing the fear just as David from the bible faced Goliath knowing that he who was in him was greater than he who stood before him.

Live a life of no regret, knowing that not only did you try but you gave it your all. Your potential is your confidence, believe in yourself and Go big, go bold.

Have a clear picture of where you want to be, a vision, and set out towards seeing that vision come to life. Action taken differs depending on the intended goal to be reached by every individual be it evangelism, public speaking, leadership role, starting your own company you name it. It is very difficult to implement an action that a certain individual has implemented, what works for him might not work for you. It is easier to take a leap of faith when we believe, when we believe in ourselves. For when we believe, if we fall we pick ourselves up, and soldier on because we have faith in ourselves that we can, it might not be now or tomorrow but some day some time something will definitely happen.,-Go-Bold&id=9719469

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