
Don't Ever Perceive Others' Success As Your Own Failure

It's easy to see the success of others as a reminder of our own shortcomings. But our jealousy is really a window into seeing what qualities we should improve upon ourselves.

If you notice yourself admiring people who take creative risks, take some time to reflect on how you might share your triumphs in a way that feels totally you. When you compare yourself with another person, you are just depressing yourself but if you see the light in others, it can help you see your own and appreciate it instead of envying them.

The worst part of success is trying to find someone who is happy for you. There will always be people who will not be happy with your accomplishments. They will hurt you, put you down, gossip bout you, belittle your achievements and judge your soul. It is a fact that we all must face. We cannot please everyone. But if we consider God as our best friend who stands beside us when others cast stones, we will never be afraid, never feel worthless and never feel alone.

The only sad thing about this people is that there are also foolish enough to listen to them. A lot of people get so hung up on what they can't have that they don't think for a second about whether they really want it. Their envy lasts longer than their happiness.

People are spiteful about somebody else's blessings often lead a lot of people to get so hung up on what they can't have. The reason why other people are talking behind someone else's back. Too much envy can spoil the pleasure of enjoying other people's success and, under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening.

When you're a beautiful person on the inside, nothing in the world can change that about you. Envy is the result of one's lack of self-confidence, self-worth, and self-acceptance. So, if you can't accept yourself, then certainly no one else will.

Acceptance is the key to happiness. Count your blessings and you will realize that everything happens for a reason. Maybe it is not yet your time to shine. But if you persevere and strive hard to reach your goals, you know that nothing is impossible. Prayers coupled with action will also help you.

Never regard other's success as your failure. Perhaps they achieve more because they also work more. Contemplate on your own strengths and weaknesses. Turn your weakness as your greatest strength to move forward despite other people's mockery because they think that they are better than you.

Don't allow them to upset you. They will be happier if you will let them see that they affected you. Just focus on the here and now and move forward.

People generally assume everything is fine even if they are already disgracing you unless you blowup. When you show them how affected you are, you give them satisfaction.

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