
Yes, You Can Change How You Think About Yourself, How You Feel Inside, and How You React to Others


There are things in life you have control over and there are things in life you don't have control over. You don't have control over changing other people or how they think, feel, act, or react. You can, however, learn to change your own thinking, which in turn changes how you feel, act, and react. By changing how you react to others, there may be a bonus domino effect so that those around you then change how they react to you.

There are things in our environments we cannot control (events like the weather), and things in our environments that influence us (learned behaviors from parents or others, growing up in poverty, traumas, grief and loss, oppression in relationships or in our culture or society). But even within these constraints, there may be choices and options that could possibly lead us down a different path.

Our intentions, attitudes, perceptions, views, subjective interpretations, and beliefs all influence our thought patterns and how we see ourselves, others, the world, and the future. For example, if my self-talk is negative (ex: I am inadequate) and irrational (ex: I must please everyone all the time in order to be loved and have worth), then how will I interact with others? How will they view me and treat me? Who will I attract in my life? How does this influence then how I think, feel, and behave? What kind of energy do I want to put out and get back? Will I create my life the way I want it to be and help make things happen, even if there are limits, or will it just happen to me as if life is just floating by?

Our thoughts do in part help determine how our lives turn out and how we view our lives. You have to first be aware of your thinking (not everyone is). Then you have to determine which thoughts need changing in order to bring you more happiness and peace (money and medication alone do not lead to bliss). You CAN learn to decrease depression and anxiety. You CAN learn to manage stress and have more connected relationships. You CAN make real and lasting changes. Let me show you how... There is no need to suffer any longer. Relief is only one phone call away.

Do you feel depressed, sad, anxious, nervous, worried, angry, frustrated, irritable, tense, or stressed out?

Do you have distance or conflicts in any relationships that you would like to change?

Do you feel overwhelmed trying to juggle all of your roles and responsibilities?

Do you find it difficult to find time to relax and take care of yourself?

Do you often wonder if there's a better way to balance your life?

Would you find it helpful to learn new coping skills in order to enjoy your life more?

Would you like to know how to change your thinking so you will feel better and function better?

If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, then you are ready to move forward and reach your goals!,-You-Can-Change-How-You-Think-About-Yourself,-How-You-Feel-Inside,-and-How-You-React-to-Others&id=9540631

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