
Three Happiness Stories

Three Happiness Stories:

Henry Ford, R. H. Macy, and F. W. Woolworth were all happiness promoters.

Henry Ford: While Ford is today known for the assembly line and his success in building Ford; Motor Company;wasn't an instant success. In fact, his early businesses failed and left him broke five times before he founded the successful Ford Motor Company. His ultimate success came about from his willingness to put forth effort and to work hard to achieve his goals. Where would we be today without the automobile? How would be able to move about and meet our needs? I don't think the horse and buggy would work in today's nuclear society. Transportation would definitely be affected. Ford found fulfillment and happiness by building his business.

Most people are familiar with this large department store chain, but Macy didn't always have it easy; Macy failed seven times before finally hitting big with his store in New York City. Like Henry Ford, Macy; continued to exhibit the desire to keep producing until he achieved his objectives.He found happiness and success by finding his talent and building his business. He also worked to ensure success for his employees. He built success by capitalizing on his strengths and by developing his employees' talents.

Some may not know this name today, but Woolworth was once one of the biggest names in department stores in the U.S Young Woolworth worked at a dry goods store and was not allowed to wait on customers because his boss said he lacked the sense needed to do so. I think he proved his boss wrong.Woolworth did not listen to negative prognostications. He persisted until the job was done. He overlooked naysayers and became his own personal "yaysayer." Woolworth found fulfillment by establishing one of the largest dime store franchises in history.

How about you? Which goals do you want to pursue? Where can you find your happiness? How can you emulate Woolworth, Macy, and Ford in their efforts to extend happiness to their customers? How can you build success by relying on your strengths? How can you promote yourself and build a happy life?

Think about it. Be a happiness promoter. Reach out and extend yourself to your community and your country. Make the world a better place. Think outside the box and work to be a developer, an encourager, and an entrepreneur.

Become a happiness encourager.

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