
How to Bring More Happiness Into Your Life Right Now


Have you examined your life lately? Are you truly happy? Do you feel successful? Do you feel free? How well are you treating yourself and others? How well are you facing challenges in your life? How are you coping with worry and stress?

To answer these questions, it's important that we examine our lives, and, like the curious looking stone placed in the palm of our hands, turn it over and look underneath it. When we commit to examining and evaluating our lives in this way, our true inner self is given a voice and we have the great opportunity to listen. But, how do we do it?

Don't worry about things you can't control

We create the most hardship and adversity in our lives when we engage in the false belief that we can control things which in reality, are out of our control. Ask Rihanna, can you fist fight with fire? Can you stop a tornado? No! In other words, while we can't control every single thing that happens in our lives, we can control our perception and our response to it.

Know thyself

Have you ever thought you lost your car keys and search everywhere only to find out that you had them all along! This is the same thing that happens when we search for ourselves. We can search externally and over great distances and never feel the fullness and satisfaction of truly knowing ourselves because we fail to realize that "we" are right where "we" are! As corny as it may sound, I teach my clients that everything they need is within them. In other words, you are already equipped with everything you need and it can all be found within. As a Life Coach, I engage my clients in a process of acknowledgement of self. And once the true self is given an opportunity to speak its wisdom, you can finally hear it.

Value Relationships

Unlike everything else, you can't buy good relationships at Wal-Mart. No amount of money or power can make up for an isolated life without good relationships. It is the essence of a life worth living and a major component of true happiness.

Don't be a blame-shifter

Be accountable. Be responsible and accept the consequences of your own actions - good or bad. Many of us are not willing to hold ourselves accountable for the bad decisions and situations we find ourselves in, instead seeking to blame others. But, sadly, the finger-pointing, justifying and denial is toxic to our inner self and poisonous to our happiness.

Do not look for wrong or evil...

My grandmother used to tell me and my sisters... "do not look for wrong or evil, you will find it if you do, and if you measure it for your neighbor, he will measure it back to you."

We live in a society where "payback" and "getting even" and "an eye for an eye" are acceptable responses to wrongdoing. Not realizing that these types of responses not only harm the victim but the perpetrator as well, emotionally, psychologically as well as spiritually.

Be Kind

It's the universal Law of Attraction - like attracts like. You get in what you put out. Being kind to others makes us feel good and is another major part of living a fulfilled and authentic life. Actively seek out ways to be kind to others and trust that the universe will align to return the favor.

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