
How Happy Are You - What Makes You Happy? (By Anne O'Dwyer)

We are having some beautiful early autumn days with sun shinning, blue skies soft clouds and warm temperatures. It seems to make everyone brighter on days like this. It will certainly make winter seem shorter here in England!

However happiness is a state of mind, perhaps we should take control of our happiness besides enjoying the events that bring happiness we should find ways we can feel happier at a moments notice. Things like smiling, changing our tempo, moving faster and with purpose. Looking on the bright side of situations and remembering happy events and places we have enjoyed.

We could fill our environment with colours that appeal to us, wear beautiful colours, walk in nature, smell fresh-cut grass after the rain, or the great smell of baking on a cold day, or steaming soup. The sound of children laughing and playing, kittens chasing after a moth, let us enjoy these simple pleasures. There are so many things around us to make us feel happy if only we look at them.

Put away your drab clothes make this a sensual winter and evoke all your senses with the delights around you.

Next, consider are you happy in your work or chosen career; where you live, your current hobbies or lack of them! Do your friends make you laugh or do you pull each other down with stories of doom and gloom? Maybe its time to make some changes, find new friends or treat others better. Look for new hobbies that scare you a little but excite you a lot.

A few years ago I decided to rethink my life and began exploring working with a laptop. It didn't happen overnight but eventually we even bought a house in Spain so that we could winter in the sun and with my laptop I can work anywhere. Lucky really as having suffered ill-health for many months I have still been able to work on my laptop.

So maybe its time for you to evaluate your life too and make some plans for your future. If time freedom and working at home excites you Affiliate marketing is a simple way to start online. With the help and guidance of a coach providing great products and training you can begin earning commissions whilst you learn the techniques. I know this has helped me keep it simple. Working online is an exciting venture and is satisfying watching your business grow, you can begin part-time and develop as you wish.

So whatever it takes to make you happy enjoy what is around you, maybe make some plans and changes. Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous winter.

Books to inspire you:

"Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers

"Thank God It's Monday" by Charles Cameron and Suzanne Elusoe

"Do It! A Guide to Living Your Dreams" by John-Roger and Peter McWilliams

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