
Happiness Is Not a One Size Fits All Benefit or Outer Expression

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***Think of your jovial tone as something innate and individual. Keep some forms of joy hidden from the view of others that only want to exploit you- or your talents and gifts. I know of so many fantastic artists from different disciplines, that could command a great income. They dazzle by their own inborn way of processing songs, tones, melodies and crafts. Almost as if the artwork is being channeled from their very physical being, a bloodstream of talented veins of power and knowledge, in so many ways. They have the pulse on the heartbeat of creativity all stored in their mind and big brain.. I often wonder what makes them hide their talents from public view?

No, it's not insecurity or low self-esteem. It's that they are aware that people, corporations and other entities, some with a lot of means, are eager to want to take credit for their skills and talents and to steal from them, constantly. I can only admire their work from afar and know in my heart that I have met probably some of the most talented and guarded artists that one can only imagine. I just know that I understand them and their protective nature about their art getting placed into the wrong hands, and exploited by people that are indifferent to artists in general.

Having the ability to command a feeling is not as hard as we make- believe that it is! If your artwork makes you happy, there is no need to measure your treasure. NO need to have to prove or disprove to anyone that your artwork is good. Sit down and relax and perform your art, skill, gift or craft and do it because it's your own creation and because YOU CAN enjoy it ALONE! Whether it's calligraphy, botany, painting or cooking if it brings you joy, let the energy free-flow from your heart and hands to your mind and soul! Come on, let go and enjoy making yourself happy. Enjoy releasing the wealth of creative energy that flows through your blood and veins. You'll be glad that you completed your masterpiece before the end of your life. Perhaps you'll leave a legacy behind for family or extended friends or distant relatives. True Story: I heard of a man in North Africa that painted every day of his life and when he died, his painting's were discovered.He had painted so much AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL artwork, during his lifetime, that his artwork was placed in a museum. His artwork became a treasure for his country and the higher courts decided that they were valuable and represented the country very eloquently. The courts decided that this treasure find was so great that it commanded an ability to be displayed for others to see and appreciate,and this was decided after his death. ** He made himself happy, while he was alive, and made others happy after he died. What an amazing legacy he left behind!

Decide to make yourself happy on a daily basis-Go to your happy habit,space, or place where other people congregate, or to the slow, upbeat tempo in the music that you seek. Happiness and joy are subjective, though please know that the principles for contentment are all the same. If we were to define contentment as a condition or a prerequisite for something new or different what exactly would that something be?

I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!

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