
Happiness Is a Choice

Happiness is a skill and the habits I will be sharing will energize you to acquire a high happiness level. Do you find yourself wondering what would make you truly happy? We live in a world where we are taught that making money, becoming successful or becoming famous makes one happy. Social media tells you that someone else around you is happier than you. So maybe you work very hard, waiting for your vacation, for a slice of that happiness. I want you to know that you have everything it takes to be happy in your present condition. Happiness does not lie in the pursuit or a future moment. Happiness, like your time in those days, includes completely engaging in an activity with others and in the moment. Have you ever had the opportunity of watching a baby find happiness? I watch my nephew laugh at a song, at a funny face, at a shift in an ordinary moment. We have this ability to laugh when we allow ourselves to experience the awe and pleasure of a new born. Why should you be happy? I linked happiness to long life, increase in energy, success and even more positive marriages. When we practice happiness, they are linked to positive health outcomes. Studies show that happy people are more likely to experience better marriages, promotions at work and life satisfaction. Happy states have been shown to contribute to mental flexibility and creativity.

You may be asking if some people are born happier than others. Research shows that happiness is a function of your genetic predisposition, circumstances that you face, and choices that you make. The interplay of these factors will result in gain or lack of happiness. The good news is, if you had "unhappy" genes, you can make up for them by choosing habits that result in happiness. Some circumstances in your life may or may not be changed. Heavier weighted happiness factors are products of genetics and choices. You can't change the genes you were given, so let's discuss the choices you make which have been shown to produce happy moments.

You can choose to live a happy lifestyle. Every day, even when you do not feel like it, you can make a commitment to be happy. Then practice and keep practicing. I don't want you to chase happiness. I want you to choose habits each day that will lead you to feeling happy. What should happiness look like? It is not giggling or grinning senselessly every day. Happiness can include states of contentment, calmness, the ability to sit with difficult moments and the feeling that you are in charge of your environment. You can practice happy habits each day, and like any goal, you can start with a commitment to lead a happy life. Happiness is not something I want you to strive for. Happiness is found in the daily moments and not in striving or wishing "I want to be happy." Martin Seligman, a leader in the field of Positive Psychology and Happiness explained that you can find happiness by choosing a combination of positive emotions, engaging in things you value, finding meaning in your life, engaging in relationships and accomplishments. These skills can be practiced to cultivate states of happiness. We can take action each day to contribute to this area in our lives.

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