
Dreaming Ahead 16 of 365 (By Matt Collinson)

Being Zen About Things Helps

A moment to moment decision must be made. Are you going to enjoy what you are doing right now or are you going to be upset about it? A lot of people will say yes, I want to enjoy this moment but... Here is where you can begin to choose it and live with that enjoyment. The reason is up to each of us. Decide why you are doing what you are doing.

If what you are doing makes you completely happy, those around you happy and general society happy then you are probably doing the right thing for your life. Each action that we take toward our future is decided by what we are doing. As we pick small actions that bring us closer to the future we want joy will begin to blossom. Even doing chores around the house can become a thing of enjoyment if we realize why we are doing those chores.

A cleaner more organized lifestyle helps. This doesn't mean that you will not have messy areas in your life. We are given those messy areas because we need those challenges to help us become a better version of ourselves. Throughout our entire life, we are given the opportunity to grow whether we want to or not. To choose that you will grow daily will help your life to become more enjoyable.

One thing I learned while doing some Zen readings was to dive into what I am currently doing. This could be writing, chores or spending time with my kids. It is important to be in the moment when you are trying to be happy about life. Empty all other feelings. Let those feelings go that are hindering your progress. One of the harder feelings that I have yet to get rid of was a temper. For a long time, I would just explode and had no idea why. It became a realization in my life that if I wanted to be a good example for my children I best calm down.

By reading daily I have come to an understanding that I had been looking for. Everything that goes on in my life is up to me. It is my choice to take responsibility for my life. It is my choice to love this life that I get to live. Take the time to appreciate the time that we get to have here on this beautiful planet. Look at all the great creations that mankind has come up with.

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