
Being Happy - Dreaming Ahead 5 of 365

We Must Practice -

When you lose that passion or that feel production and many other subjects begin to drive down. It becomes clear that the more you love what you are doing the more productive you will be. Even better, the more passionate you are about a project the less you will want to sleep and eat.

This truth comes from the many that have accomplished a certain amount of greatness. A person must truly believe with all their heart and they will overcome any obstacle. As a business one may ask will you ask customers if they will buy with you again and if not why not. Learn exactly what you have to learn to get where you want to be.

We can set up measures to know how we are doing. Listing the amount of money, you will want to make is not enough. We have to come up with ideas that will support your goal. For a better relationship you may choose to compliment your significant other on a daily basis. Maybe you will pick up that relationship book because you are choosing to increase your relationship happiness. Reading personal development books is yet another way to really increase one part of your life.

Next we will list 3 things that you are grateful for.

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The aim here to realize that you can be happy for those things that you are grateful for. One of my primary grateful feelings comes when I think of family. My wife, my children, my parents, my sisters and brother. Thinking of these people brings about great feelings within my heart. I am so passionate about those people.

Become the change that you want to see in your life. If you are not acting like that how are other people supposed to know how to act. It is time for some action. You have some idea brewing in your head right now. Act it. In this very moment stop reading this part of Dreaming Ahead and take one action to working on your dream. Set up a schedule. Call someone. Begin a conversation. Meet a new group. Grab a book and start reading about what you are trying to accomplish.

You still might be reading this and that is okay but I am not going to give you anything else until you begin taking action. Come back tomorrow.

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